[jboss-user] [Microcontainer] - Re: Questions on describe/classloader deployers and CL scope
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Sun Feb 10 01:25:37 EST 2008
"gcompienne" wrote : I have a few questions the concerning the DESCRIBE and CLASSLOADER deployer stages.
| I understand the principle that DESCRIBE is used to declare/define the dependencies whilst the CLASSLOADER stage is related to the classloader itself.
| I have noticed that the classloader instance (BaseClassLoader) is created in-between the DESCRIBE and CLASSLOADER stages. That's seems reasonable as after the DESCRIBE stage I suspect the system should have enough information to create the appriopriate classloader. But then I wonder what is really the purpose of the CLASSLOADER stage? Is it to have a deployer that will create the classloader itself? If so, how do I make that happen (as I said the CL is currently automatically created between the describe and classloader stages).
Where do you see it getting created?
Since it's the AbstractTopLevelClassLoaderSystemDeployer that does this in AS5 --> VFSTopLevelClassLoaderSystemDeployer, and its stage is CLASSLOADER.
"gcompienne" wrote :
| I also have another question concerning classloaders. Looking at the MC code it looks like the classloader is only created for a top level deployment unit. Why is that the case? (it would mean the WAR, JAR and other would use the CL of the EAR). Does it has to be always the case? Or am I missing something?
You're missing AbstractClassLoaderSystemDeployer. ;-)
This one has no notion of top level deployment.
Currently used by WarClassLoaderDeployer (although soon to be depracated -- see top comment in this class).
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