[jboss-user] [Messaging, JMS & JBossMQ] - Re: JMS communication between Tomcat app and JBOSS AS 4.2.2`

tpawankumar do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Feb 14 23:20:55 EST 2008


I have recieved messages on my tomcat application.Following is the code

		Properties props = new Properties();
  | 		props.setProperty("java.naming.factory.initial","org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory");
  | 		props.setProperty("java.naming.factory.url.pkgs", "org.jboss.naming");
  | 		props.setProperty("java.naming.provider.url", "jnp://localhost:1099");
  | 		Context context = new InitialContext(props);
  | 		TopicConnectionFactory tcf = (TopicConnectionFactory) context.lookup("TopicConnectionFactory");;
  | 		conn = tcf.createTopicConnection();
  | 		topic = (Topic) context.lookup("topic/testTopic");
  | 		session = conn.createTopicSession(false, TopicSession.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);
  | 		conn.start();
  | 		TopicSubscriber recv = session.createSubscriber(topic);
  | 		recv.setMessageListener(this);

For listening messages i have placed the following jars in commom/lib
jbossall-client.jar and jnp-client.jar.
My application is able to recieve messages from Jboss JMS.

Hope this helps you.

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