[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Help - post login and EntityHome instance

mars1412 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Feb 15 09:02:31 EST 2008

"terryb" wrote : 
  | If I view View or Edit form, both of wich utilise EntityHome, and then right after I click on Add form, the Add form shows record which was focused by View or Edit form.

Did you solve that?
I have the same problem and I am quite stuck.
I have no idea why this entity is not cleared...

I have a parent/child connection:
the parent's edit page shows a list of the childs
when I first access the parent's edit page, a conversation is started, including the parentHome
the list of childs has a select s:button with propagation=end and it passes the childs id to the child edit page
this should be ok - I want to end the parents edit conversation and the childs pages.xml starts a new conversation for the child

  |    <begin-conversation join="true" />
  |    <action execute="#{childHome.wire}"/>
  |    <param name="childId" value="#{childHome.childId}"/>
  |    <param name="parentId" value="#{parentHome.parentId}"/>
  |    ...
I don't  understand this:* I open the parentList - no conversation exists
  | * I open a parentEdit page - one conversation exists: cid=3
  | * I click on a child in the list and come to the childEdit page
  | * now one conversation exists, but it still has the cid=3
should not the cid 3 have ended (the s:button says so) and a new conversation begun (the childEdits page.xml file says so?

I suspected that join=true on the start-conversation might be the reason: but even without join=true, the cid is the same.

please help

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