[jboss-user] [EJB/JBoss] - Re: Migrating from jBoss4.0.5GA to 4.2.2GA

nsmith80 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Feb 27 09:41:02 EST 2008

"nsmith80" wrote : Here's the bean, the interface(s) implemented, and class he inherits from.  Basically the business tier was built on a hierarchical scheme where the highest level user BeloAdmin would inherit his characteristics from the lower levels. ie. RegionAdmin 
  |   | @Stateless
  |   | public class BeloAdminFactoryBean extends RegionAdminFactoryBean implements ISessionBeloAdminFactoryLocal {
  |   | 	
  |   | 	
  |   | 	@EJB private ISessionBeloAdminRegionLocal beloAdminRegionBean;
  |   | 	@EJB private ISessionBeloAdminDMALocal beloAdminDMABean;
  |   | 	@EJB private ISessionBeloAdminSportLocal beloAdminSportBean;
  |   | 	@EJB private ISessionBeloAdminPlayerLocal beloAdminPlayerBean;
  |   | 	@EJB private ISessionBeloAdminCoachLocal beloAdminCoachBean;
  |   | 	@EJB private ISessionBeloAdminGameLocal beloAdminGameBean;
  |   | 	@EJB private ISessionBeloAdminStatsLocal beloAdminStatBean;
  |   | 	@EJB private ISessionBeloAdminUserLocal beloAdminUserBean;
  |   | 	
  |   | 	
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/* (non-Javadoc)
  |   | 	 * @see com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.factories.ISessionBeloAdminFactory#getBeloAdminRegionBean()
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionBeloAdminRegionLocal getBeloAdminRegionBean() {
  |   | 		
  |   | 		return beloAdminRegionBean;
  |   | 		
  |   | 	}
  |   | 	
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/* (non-Javadoc)
  |   | 	 * @see com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.factories.ISessionBeloAdminFactory#getBeloAdminDMABean()
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionBeloAdminDMALocal getBeloAdminDMABean() {
  |   | 		
  |   | 		return beloAdminDMABean;
  |   | 		
  |   | 	}
  |   | 	
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/* (non-Javadoc)
  |   | 	 * @see com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.factories.ISessionBeloAdminFactory#getBeloAdminSportBean()
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionBeloAdminSportLocal getBeloAdminSportBean() {
  |   | 		
  |   | 		return beloAdminSportBean;
  |   | 		
  |   | 	}
  |   | 	
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/* (non-Javadoc)
  |   | 	 * @see com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.factories.ISessionBeloAdminFactory#getBeloAdminPlayerBean()
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionBeloAdminPlayerLocal getBeloAdminPlayerBean() {
  |   | 		
  |   | 		return beloAdminPlayerBean;
  |   | 		
  |   | 	}
  |   | 	
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/* (non-Javadoc)
  |   | 	 * @see com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.factories.ISessionBeloAdminFactory#getBeloAdminCoachBean()
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionBeloAdminCoachLocal getBeloAdminCoachBean() {
  |   | 		
  |   | 		return beloAdminCoachBean;
  |   | 		
  |   | 	}
  |   | 	
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/* (non-Javadoc)
  |   | 	 * @see com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.factories.ISessionBeloAdminFactory#getBeloAdminGameBean()
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionBeloAdminGameLocal getBeloAdminGameBean() {
  |   | 		
  |   | 		return beloAdminGameBean;
  |   | 		
  |   | 	}
  |   | 	
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/* (non-Javadoc)
  |   | 	 * @see com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.factories.ISessionBeloAdminFactory#getBeloAdminStatBean()
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionBeloAdminStatsLocal getBeloAdminStatBean() {
  |   | 		
  |   | 		return beloAdminStatBean;
  |   | 		
  |   | 	}
  |   | 	
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/* (non-Javadoc)
  |   | 	 * @see com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.factories.ISessionBeloAdminFactory#getBeloAdminUserBean()
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionBeloAdminUserLocal getBeloAdminUserBean() {
  |   | 		
  |   | 		return beloAdminUserBean;
  |   | 		
  |   | 	}
  |   | 	
  |   | 
  |   | }
  |   | 
  |   | 
  |   | package com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.factories;
  |   | 
  |   | import javax.ejb.Local;
  |   | 
  |   | /**
  |   |  * Interface for use in the EJB and web tier.
  |   |   * Interface to Belo Admin Entity Beans
  |   |  */
  |   | @Local
  |   | public interface ISessionBeloAdminFactoryLocal extends ISessionBeloAdminFactory {
  |   | 
  |   | }
  |   | 
  |   | 
  |   | package com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.factories;
  |   | 
  |   | import com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.function.ISessionBeloAdminCoachLocal;
  |   | import com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.function.ISessionBeloAdminDMALocal;
  |   | import com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.function.ISessionBeloAdminGameLocal;
  |   | import com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.function.ISessionBeloAdminPlayerLocal;
  |   | import com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.function.ISessionBeloAdminRegionLocal;
  |   | import com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.function.ISessionBeloAdminSportLocal;
  |   | import com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.function.ISessionBeloAdminStatsLocal;
  |   | import com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.function.ISessionBeloAdminUserLocal;
  |   | 
  |   | /**
  |   | * Interface for use in the EJB and web tier.
  |   | * Interface to Belo Admin Entity Beans
  |   | */
  |   | 
  |   | public interface ISessionBeloAdminFactory extends ISessionRegionAdminFactory {
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/**
  |   | 	 * @return
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionBeloAdminRegionLocal getBeloAdminRegionBean();
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/**
  |   | 	 * @return
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionBeloAdminDMALocal getBeloAdminDMABean();
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/**
  |   | 	 * @return
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionBeloAdminSportLocal getBeloAdminSportBean();
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/**
  |   | 	 * @return
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionBeloAdminPlayerLocal getBeloAdminPlayerBean();
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/**
  |   | 	 * @return
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionBeloAdminCoachLocal getBeloAdminCoachBean();
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/**
  |   | 	 * @return
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionBeloAdminGameLocal getBeloAdminGameBean();
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/**
  |   | 	 * @return
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionBeloAdminStatsLocal getBeloAdminStatBean();
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/**
  |   | 	 * @return
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionBeloAdminUserLocal getBeloAdminUserBean();
  |   | 
  |   | }
  |   | 
  |   | package com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.factories;
  |   | 
  |   | import javax.ejb.EJB;
  |   | import javax.ejb.Stateless;
  |   | 
  |   | import com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.function.ISessionRegionAdminDMALocal;
  |   | import com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.function.ISessionRegionAdminGroupLocal;
  |   | import com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.function.ISessionRegionAdminRegionLocal;
  |   | import com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.function.ISessionRegionAdminSchoolLocal;
  |   | import com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.function.ISessionRegionAdminSeasonLocal;
  |   | import com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.function.ISessionRegionAdminStatsLocal;
  |   | import com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.function.ISessionRegionAdminUserLocal;
  |   | import com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.function.ISessionRegionAdminVenueLocal;
  |   | 
  |   | /**
  |   |   * Factory class for use in the EJB and web tier.
  |   |  * Factory Class for access to Region Admin Entity Beans(interfaces)
  |   |  */
  |   | @Stateless
  |   | public class RegionAdminFactoryBean extends DMAMgrFactoryBean implements ISessionRegionAdminFactoryLocal {
  |   | 	
  |   | 	
  |   | 	@EJB private ISessionRegionAdminDMALocal regionAdminDMABean;
  |   | 	@EJB private ISessionRegionAdminSchoolLocal regionAdminSchoolBean;
  |   | 	@EJB private ISessionRegionAdminVenueLocal regionAdminVenueBean;
  |   | 	@EJB private ISessionRegionAdminSeasonLocal regionAdminSeasonBean;
  |   | 	@EJB private ISessionRegionAdminGroupLocal regionAdminGroupBean;
  |   | 	@EJB private ISessionRegionAdminStatsLocal regionAdminStatsBean;
  |   | 	@EJB private ISessionRegionAdminUserLocal regionAdminUserBean;
  |   | 	@EJB private ISessionRegionAdminRegionLocal regionAdminRegionBean;
  |   | 	
  |   | 	
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/* (non-Javadoc)
  |   | 	 * @see com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.factories.ISessionRegionAdminFactory#getRegionAdminDMABean()
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionRegionAdminDMALocal getRegionAdminDMABean() {
  |   | 		
  |   | 		return regionAdminDMABean;
  |   | 		
  |   | 	}
  |   | 	
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/* (non-Javadoc)
  |   | 	 * @see com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.factories.ISessionRegionAdminFactory#getRegionAdminSchoolBean()
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionRegionAdminSchoolLocal getRegionAdminSchoolBean() {
  |   | 		
  |   | 		return regionAdminSchoolBean;
  |   | 		
  |   | 	}
  |   | 	
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/* (non-Javadoc)
  |   | 	 * @see com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.factories.ISessionRegionAdminFactory#getRegionAdminVenueBean()
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionRegionAdminVenueLocal getRegionAdminVenueBean() {
  |   | 		
  |   | 		return regionAdminVenueBean;
  |   | 		
  |   | 	}
  |   | 	
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/* (non-Javadoc)
  |   | 	 * @see com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.factories.ISessionRegionAdminFactory#getRegionAdminSeasonBean()
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionRegionAdminSeasonLocal getRegionAdminSeasonBean() {
  |   | 		
  |   | 		return regionAdminSeasonBean;
  |   | 		
  |   | 	}
  |   | 	
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/* (non-Javadoc)
  |   | 	 * @see com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.factories.ISessionRegionAdminFactory#getRegionAdminGroupBean()
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionRegionAdminGroupLocal getRegionAdminGroupBean() {
  |   | 		
  |   | 		return regionAdminGroupBean;
  |   | 		
  |   | 	}
  |   | 	
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/* (non-Javadoc)
  |   | 	 * @see com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.factories.ISessionRegionAdminFactory#getRegionAdminStatsBean()
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionRegionAdminStatsLocal getRegionAdminStatsBean() {
  |   | 		
  |   | 		return regionAdminStatsBean;
  |   | 		
  |   | 	}
  |   | 	
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/* (non-Javadoc)
  |   | 	 * @see com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.factories.ISessionRegionAdminFactory#getRegionAdminUserBean()
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionRegionAdminUserLocal getRegionAdminUserBean() {
  |   | 		
  |   | 		return regionAdminUserBean;
  |   | 		
  |   | 	}
  |   | 	
  |   | 	/* (non-Javadoc)
  |   | 	 * @see com.belo.leaderboard.ejb.session.factories.ISessionRegionAdminFactory#getRegionAdminRegionBean()
  |   | 	 */
  |   | 	public ISessionRegionAdminRegionLocal getRegionAdminRegionBean() {
  |   | 		
  |   | 		return regionAdminRegionBean;
  |   | 		
  |   | 	}
  |   | 	
  |   | 
  |   | }

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