[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - NullPointer: Setting portlet instance preferences via Instan

IronMan77 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Feb 29 05:02:50 EST 2008

Hi using this development setup:

  | * Version: jboss-portal-2.6.1.GA
  | * Download Version
  | * JBoss AS Version:  4.2.1.GA (build: SVNTag=JBoss_4_2_1_GA date=200707131605)] 
  | * Database: Mysql 5.0.51a-community-nt
  | * JDBC Connector and Version: mysql-connector-java-5.0.5-bin.jar
  | * OS Platform: Windows XP 32-Bit
  | I have injected the InstanceContainer and set transaction support via jboss-portlet.xml:
  |   |    <service>
  |   |       <service-name>InstanceContainer</service-name>
  |   |       <service-class>org.jboss.portal.core.model.instance.InstanceContainer</service-class>
  |   |       <service-ref>:container=Instance</service-ref>
  |   |    </service>
  | and
  | <trans-attribute>Required</trans-attribute>

Reading from the portlet instnaces does work, writing to the portlet preferences creates a nullpointer, using this example code:

  | //Get the instance container
  | InstanceContainer instanceContainer = (InstanceContainer) this.getPortletRequest().getPortletSession().getPortletContext().getAttribute("InstanceContainer");
  | InstanceDefinition id = instanceContainer.getDefinition("startPortletInstance");
  | // This does work!
  | PropertyMap pmap = id.getProperties();
  | String uuid = ((StringValue) pmap.get("uuid")).toString();
  | List tmp = new ArrayList();
  | if (pmap.containsKey("uuid")) {
  | 	PropertyChange change = PropertyChange.newUpdate("uuid", new StringValue(documentId));
  | 	tmp.add(change);
  | }
  | PropertyChange[] changes = (PropertyChange[]) tmp.toArray(new PropertyChange[tmp.size()]);
  | //This doesn't work 
  | id.setProperties(changes);
I have debugged the setProperties() method for my portlet und the admin portlet and found the problematic section:


The following code line leads to the nullpointer:


The problem seems to be, that the loaded (hibernate?) PersistentPortletState object is not set up correctly, most properties are empty. I have compared this to the admin-core portlet - there is the object  loaded correctly.

Some questions:

1. Am i gettin the InstanceCotainer correctly:

InstanceContainer instanceContainer = (InstanceContainer) this.getPortletRequest().getPortletSession().getPortletContext().getAttribute("InstanceContainer");

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