[jboss-user] [Microcontainer] - Re: migrating from ServiceMBeanSupport

alesj do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Jan 2 15:04:20 EST 2008

"jhalliday" wrote : Yes, I follow (but don't necessarily agree with) the argument that the TransactionManager should be in deploy, but given that we can't put it there in the short term we need an alternative solution.
I can port my test to be used in real use case.
I'll let you know when I'm done.

"jhalliday" wrote : 
  | Can the ServiceControllerLifecycleCallback stuff be moved such that it is available for use in the jboss-service.xml? To my mind it belongs not in the AOP deployer but in the bootstrap or early in the jboss-service.xml, so that services can make use of it. Otherwise as far as I can tell the TransactionManager is going to have to have its own duplicate of the same functionality, which seems less than elegant.
SCLC as such is a plain bean.
It's just the AOP that uses it, in the most transparent way.
Perhaps we can use two instances of it - one for direct MBeanExport, the other one via AOP and @JMX lookup.

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