[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: How can I get the session id?

chicochen do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Jan 4 22:28:28 EST 2008

Also, is there a good way to keep http session in jboss seem actions calling via web service method?

  | @Name("AuthenticateWebService")
  | @WebService(name = "AuthenticateWebService", serviceName = "AuthenticateWebService")
  | public class AuthenticateWebService implements AuthenticateWebServiceRemote {
  | 	//@In(value = "authenticateAction", create = true)
  | 	//private AuthenticateAction authenticateAction;
  | 	@WebMethod
  | 	public String login(String username, String password) {
  | 		Identity.instance().setUsername(username);
  | 		Identity.instance().setPassword(password);
  | 		Identity.instance().login();
  | 		if (Identity.instance().isLoggedIn()){
  | 			ResponseInfo rInfo = ResponseInfo.getSuccessInfo();
  | 			String xml = BeanXMLMapping.toXML(rInfo);
  | 			return xml;
  | 		}
  | 		else {
  | 			ResponseInfo rInfo = ResponseInfo.getFailInfo();
  | 			String xml = BeanXMLMapping.toXML(rInfo);
  | 			return xml;
  | 		}
  | 	}

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