[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Injecting/Outjecting Primitive Types

toni do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jan 10 03:21:18 EST 2008


how do I access the value of a check box contained inside a jsf view from a SFSB without creating explicitetly a Java Bean for the boolean value?

This does not seem to work

  | ---- simple page --------
  | <f:view>
  |  <h:form>
  |     <h:outputText value="List All"/>
  |     <h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{showallentries}"/>
  |     <h:commandButton type="submit" value="Save" action="#{StatefullTestBean.save}"/>
  |  </h:form>
  | </f:view>
  | ----- simple sfsb ---------
  | Name("linkSectionAction")
  | @Stateful
  | public class StatefullTestBean implements StatefullTtestBeanInterface
  | {
  |  @In(create=true)
  |  @Out
  |  boolean showallentries;
  |  public String save()
  |  {
  |   // IWould like to access the boolean value, but I can't inject/outject it.
  |  }
  | }

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