[jboss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Re: Using Solaris JDK

fox1212 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Jan 21 05:00:14 EST 2008

Hi Peter. Thanks for your reply.

Just a question. If I have understood you right, nowadays you don't need to compile the JSPs using .../lib/tools.jar? Will JBoss run without problems in my case, in which there's no tools.jar?

About the SUNWj5rt, if we believe what the package says, it's not a JRE but a JDK (whatever that means, since there's no /lib directory or things like javac.sh...)

anonymous wrote : NAME: JDK 5.0 Runtime Env. (1.5.0_11)

Again, thanks for your time.

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