[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Still confuse on usage of page param, help please!

gus888 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Jan 21 15:29:03 EST 2008


I reviewed the seamspace  example and tried to understand how and when to use page parameter, but I still get confused. After I commented the following page parameter codes, I couldn't find any performance difference(including bookmarkable page). Anybody can tell me the purpose of using page param and when need to use it. Thank you so much in advance!
    <page view-id="/comment.xhtml" login-required="true">
  |       <restrict/>
  |       <!--
  |       <param name="name" value="#{selectedMember.memberName}"/>
  |       <param name="blogId" value="#{selectedBlog.blogId}"/>
  |       -->
  |       <navigation from-action="#{blog.saveComment}">
  |         <redirect view-id="/blogentry.xhtml"/>
  |       </navigation>
  |     </page>and jsp link:<s:link view="/comment.seam" value="Add Comment" propagation="none">
  |                    <f:param name="name" value="#{selectedMember.memberName}"/>
  |                    <f:param name="blogId" value="#{selectedBlog.blogId}"/>
  |                  </s:link>

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