[jboss-user] [JCA/JBoss] - Re: ManagedConnectionFactory.setLogger
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Jan 25 10:22:31 EST 2008
"iit" wrote : "adrian at jboss.org" wrote : "iit" wrote :
| | | Someone from your famous JBoss developers forgot to implement to configure RA properties. The only way to get over this is to crack a rar file, configure the values as defaults and recreate the rar. This was also not considered as a bug but as a feature request. We are waiting for a fix since June 2006!
| | |
| |
| | Don't come here with a false sense of entitlement.
| |
| That's not false, that's the truth.
It's false because it is your problem. You (or your customer) downloaded
the software and chose to use it. If it doesn't do what you want then you can
1) Change it yourself
2) Pay somebody else to change it
3) Don't use it
What you can't do is complain that somebody has to meet your requirement for free
when they've almost certainly got more important things to work on.
anonymous wrote :
| anonymous wrote : You want the feature implement it and contribute it back, it's open source.
| JBoss is a commercial project and we don't work for less. Go, look for other idiots.
JBoss is open source. RedHat doesn't sell it. We sell services on it.
Like make my favourite feature high priority please.
(P.S. That doesn't mean that won't do it immediately because
I wait for somebody to pay for it. I do - for free - what I think will most useful
to most people).
anonymous wrote :
| anonymous wrote : I don't see anybody else providing the patch either so it can't be a high priority.
| I red several requests to fix that but nobody at JBoss cares since 2006.
Requests are not the same as implementing it. If people really care
then they provide a patch not a whine. Complaining that I don't
consider your problem a high priority just makes it more
likely that I don't want to help you.
Providing a patch (no matter how bad or incomplete) makes it a lot
more likely that I'll complete it propery because I don't have to start from scratch.
anonymous wrote :
| anonymous wrote : Anyway, the answer to this particular question is trivial.
| |
| Trivial, stupid and arrogant.
See comment below.
anonymous wrote :
| anonymous wrote : 1) You either throw a ResourceException to say you don't want the Logger.
| |
| That's a generic exception without any further description. JBoss might just continue but others, more quality app servers may mark the RA as errorneous and stop the whole thing.
Fair point, but I've seen tonnes of resource adapters that do
throw new ResourceException("Not Implemented")
on that method. It's practically the default implementation (besides a no-op ;-)
anonymous wrote :
| anonymous wrote : 2) You take your managed connection factory classname add "." + jndiname
| | and then go configure that to FATAL in conf/jboss-log4j.xml
| | Voila - no logging on that category.
| Yeah, but the log output will still go to the logger.
Which will discard it using the usual log4j rules.
anonymous wrote :
| What about admitting some bugs in your code instead of feeding the responsibility to others?
There's plenty of bugs admitted, look at JIRA. This isn't one of them.
It's a bug when you can quote "chapter and verse" from the specs
or docs and say "look it doesn't work the way it says it supposed to".
If you want to make setLogger() configurable then provide a patch
to do so. Otherwise raise a feature request and wait for somebody to think
it is important.
Simple solution, and it doesn't involve calling people names.
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