[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - Launch Files: Real control of Seam-Gen

luxspes do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Jul 4 00:15:53 EDT 2008



We (in my project) have heavily modified and enhanced the functionality of seam-gen, but I think we are hitting a hard limit: we can not say "do not generate the EntityEdit.xhtml" because that is read-only. No matter what we do, all the *.ftl templates get called for all the our entites.

We use JBossTools 2.1.1 and store our seam-gen configurations in Eclipse .launch files (and call them using the Code Generation Launcher).

The initial from database to entities configuration is in a file named:projectname-generate-entities.launch, after that I create a file named: projectname-generate-pages.launch that creates from the entities to the pages .

The difference is that projectname-generate-entities.launch only uses 1 exporter, the Domain code exporter (extract of projectname-generate-entities.launch): 

  |  <booleanAttribute key="org.hibernate.tools.exporters.hbmtemplate0"
  |                 value="true" />
  |         <stringAttribute
  |                 key="org.hibernate.tools.exporters.hbmtemplate0.extension_id"
  |                 value="org.hibernate.tools.hbm2java" />
  |         <mapAttribute
  |                 key="org.hibernate.tools.exporters.hbmtemplate0.properties">
  |                 <mapEntry key="template_path"
  |                         value="\seam-templates\hibernate-tools" />
  |         </mapAttribute>

On the other hand projectname-generate-pages.launch is much larger (here is only the part that generates the EntityEdit.xhtml: 

  | <mapAttribute
  |         key="org.hibernate.tools.exporters.hbmtemplate4.properties">       
  |         <mapEntry key="outputdir" value="/applicationName/WebContent/" />
  |         <mapEntry key="for_each" value="entity" />
  |         <mapEntry key="template_name" value="view/edit.xhtml.ftl" />
  |         <mapEntry key="file_pattern" value="{class-name}Edit.xhtml" />
  |         <mapEntry key="hibernatetool.util.toolclass"
  |             value="org.hibernate.eclipse.launch.SeamUtil" />
  |     </mapAttribute>

As you can see, the exporter configuration for EntityEdit.xhtml is very different, and one of themain differences is that it has a : 

  | <mapEntry key="for_each" value="entity" />

now, i would like to extend this mechanism to make it possible to generate the EntityEdit.xhtml only for... for example non-readonly entities (or any other criteria that I choose): 

<mapEntry key="for_each" value="readonly-entity" />

(And then create my own custom @ReadOnlyEntity annotation to control generation)

My plan to achieve that effect was to create my own exporter, to do that, I need to configure a Generic Hibernate metamodel exporter and create my own exporter class (inheriting I think)... but here is my problem... the docs only explain how to set the exporter class for ant: 

  | <hbmtemplate
  |  filepattern="{package-name}/{class-name}.ftl"
  |  template="somename.ftl"
  |  exporterclass="Exporter classname"
  | />

Docs do not explain how to configure the exporterclass in a eclipse *.launch file (or if is even possible)...

How can I do that? (Do I need to modify the Eclipse Jboss Tools code? or this features is available but undocumented?)


P.D. Sorry for cross posting, but I posted this question  at SeamFramework.org  and nobody answered, and I am starting to think that maybe that is because this forum is a better match for this kind of question because it is more related to JBoss Tools than Seam

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