[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Looking to pass complex types in web service...

dakk do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Jul 25 12:34:17 EDT 2008

OK, so I am a newbie... I've got the example from chapter 12 running -- the Hello example -- that passes a string.  I'd like to modify the example to pass in say 2 strings, and return a complex type that is made up of ints and strings. I am using JBoss 4.2.0, and JWSDP 2.

I think I've gotten a long way (I can at least invoke the service) but I am getting serialization errors  (null ptr error) from com.sun.xml.rpc.encoding.DynamicInternalTypeMappingRegistry.getSerializer() - where the cause is emanating from com.sun.xml.rpc.encoding.literal.ValueTypeLiteralSerializer.doSetTargetClass().

What I am wondering is if I can really use the same approach that the Hello example used (i.e., ServiceFactory.createService, service.getPort, and then invoke my service method), or if I really need to use another API to pass complex types.

Any help would be appreciated!


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