[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - CMS problem
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Jun 6 16:11:34 EDT 2008
Hi folks,
I'm trying upload a ZIP file into CMS repository. Inside my ZIP file I have two HTML files and some images and CSS files. JBoss Portal uncompress a structure file in repository correct, but JBoss Portal changes all references of images and links of the HTML files.
It is a representantion of my structure:
| +/album
| +-index.htm
| +/images
| +- cartaz.jpg
| +- bg.jpg
| +/css
| +- general.css
| +- default.css
All references in my HTML files are relatives. For example:
<a href="images/cartaz.jpg">Icon</a>
After upload JBoss Portal changes it to:
<a href="/portal/content/images/cartaz.jpg">Icon</a>
But right way would be:
<a href="/portal/content/album/images/cartaz.jpg">Icon</a>
All folder structure is in album folder. My HTML file is inside album folder and images are too. If I change it manually references its works fine.
I'm using JBoss Portal 2.5.6.SP1, with Oracle persistence in RedHat Linux SO.
Anyone has a suggestion or is it a bug ?
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