[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Again Message Order and MDB

mclu do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Jun 20 03:49:53 EDT 2008


Its mee again. 
I spend arround 5 hours now digging in JBM code to find out why my system behaves as it does.

- One local persistent Queue with a lot of messages in.
- An EJB3 MDB attached to the Queue using maxSession and maxMessages set to 1
- redelivery is set to MDBs default (5 think)
- JBM 1.4.0 SP3 on 4.2.1 GA

To test Logic errors and the ways JBM handles exceptions I set context.setRollbackOnly() while handling the messages in my MDB onMessage() method. 

What I thought is this behaviour of Message A B C....:
A -> fail
A ->  fail
A ->  fail
A ->  fail
A ->  fail -> DLQ
B ->  fail 
B ->  fail 
B ->  fail 
B ->  fail 
B ->  fail -> DLQ
and so on

But what happens is always a handling of 2 messages:
A -> fail
B -> fail
A -> fail
B -> fail
A -> fail
B -> fail
A -> fail
B -> fail
A -> fail -> DLQ
B -> fail -> DLQ
C -> fail
D -> fail 
C -> fail
D -> fail 
and so on...

While debugging and tracing I see that the ClientConsumer
calls removeFirst() on the  BasicPriorityLinkedList from 2 Threads and in twisting manner the   addFirst() and removeFirst() which lead in this A,B,A,B order.

What can I do to have this AAAABBBB handling?

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