[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - 4.2.2- Injection of PersistenceUnit in a different jar not w

jaikiran do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Mar 11 03:38:05 EDT 2008

I am trying out a sample application on JBoss-4.2.2 with Java 1.5. I have a stateless session bean which expects an entitymanager to be injected:

package org.myapp.ejb.impl;
  | import javax.ejb.Remote;
  | import javax.ejb.Stateless;
  | import javax.persistence.EntityManager;
  | import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext;
  | import org.jboss.annotation.ejb.RemoteBinding;
  | import org.myapp.ejb.AppManager;
  | @Stateless
  | @Remote ({AppManager.class})
  | @RemoteBinding (jndiBinding = "AppManagerBean")
  | public class AppManagerBean implements AppManager {
  | 	@PersistenceContext (unitName="myapp_ejb3.jar#EJB3Persistence")
  | 	private EntityManager em;
  | 	public String getVersion() {
  | 		System.out.println("EM is " + em);
  | 		return "1.0";
  | 	}
  | }
The entitymanager is configured in a jar named myapp_ejb3.jar and the EJB is packaged in a jar named another_ejb3.jar. Both these jars are then packaged in a ear name EJB3Persistence.ear:

  | EJB3Persistence.ear
  |  |
  |  |--- META-INF
  |  |	|
  |  |	|--- application.xml
  |  |	|
  |  |	|--- jboss-app.xml
  |  |	
  |  |
  |  |--- another_ejb3.jar
  |  |	|
  |  |	|--- org.myapp.ejb.impl.AppManagerBean
  |  |
  |  |
  |  |--- myapp_ejb3.jar
  |  |	|
  |  |	|--- META-INF
  |  |	|	|
  |  |	|	|--- persistence.xml

The contents of application.xml is:

  | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  | <application>
  | 	<display-name>MyEJB3</display-name>
  | 	<module>
  | 	    <ejb>myapp_ejb3.jar</ejb>
  | 	  </module>
  | 	<module>
  | 	  	    <ejb>another_ejb3.jar</ejb>
  | 	  </module>
  | </application>

The contents of persistence.xml:

  | <persistence> 
  | 	<persistence-unit name="EJB3Persistence"> 
  | 		<jta-data-source>java:/EJB3PersistenceDS</jta-data-source> 
  | 		<class>blah.blah.blah</class>
  | 	</persistence-unit> 
  | </persistence>

Now when i deploy this ear file, i get a deployment exception saying that the persistenceunit EJB3Persistence is not installed and hence the bean cannot be deployed:

  | 12:41:59,332 ERROR [URLDeploymentScanner] Incomplete Deployment listing:
  | --- MBeans waiting for other MBeans ---
  | ObjectName: jboss.j2ee:ear=EJB3Persistence.ear,jar=another_ejb3.jar,name=AppManagerBean,service=EJB3
  |   I Depend On:
  |     persistence.units:jar=pp_ejb3.jar,unitName=EJB3Persistence
  | ObjectName: persistence.units:jar=pp_ejb3.jar,unitName=EJB3Persistence
  |   Depends On Me:
  |     jboss.j2ee:ear=EJB3Persistence.ear,jar=another_ejb3.jar,name=AppManagerBean,service=EJB3

A bit of debugging led me to the DeploymentPersistenceUnitResolver class which has this getPersistenceUnitDeployment(String unitName) method. This internally calls the findRelativeDeployment(String relativeName) method on JmxDeploymentScopeImpl which has this piece of code:

 public Ejb3Deployment findRelativeDeployment(String relativeName)
  |    {
  |       String relativeShortName = relativeName.substring(3);
  |       return deployments.get(relativeShortName);
  |    }

The relativeName parameter that's been passed, has the value "myapp_ejb3.jar". However the substring(3) (not sure why this is being done) incorrectly changes this to "pp_ejb3.jar" and then uses this to look in the deployments map. As a result this always returns null which effectively means that the PersistenceUnit named myapp_ejb3.jar#EJB3Persistence could not be found.

To get around this, i changed the findRelativeDeployment method to:

  | public Ejb3Deployment findRelativeDeployment(String relativeName)
  |    {
  |       return deployments.get(relativeName);
  |    }

This worked and the entitymanager was successfully injected in the bean. 

2008-03-11 13:03:33,208 DEBUG [org.jboss.ejb3.Ejb3Module] Starting jboss.j2ee:service=EJB3,module=another_ejb3.jar
  | 2008-03-11 13:03:47,505 DEBUG [org.jboss.injection.PersistenceUnitHandler] ***** adding PU dependency from located persistence unit: persistence.units:ear=EJB3Persistence.ear,jar=myapp_ejb3.jar,unitName=EJB3Persistence
  | .....
  | 13:03:49,802 INFO  [EJBContainer] STARTED EJB: org.myapp.ejb.impl.AppManagerBean ejbName: AppManagerBean
  | 13:03:49,865 INFO  [EARDeployer] Started J2EE application: file:/D:/JBoss-4.2.2/jboss-4.2.2.GA/server/jaikiran/deploy/EJB3Persistence.ear/

Has this been reported before? If not, should i report this in the JIRA?

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