[jboss-user] [JBoss Cache: Core Edition] - Re: ava.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.ClassNotFoundExce
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sun Mar 23 12:27:31 EDT 2008
Hi Brian.
Good question. Especially as statics and static initializers are routinely used in this project. So, I had to do some digging to answer this question. Turns out that ThinUserProxy only has 4 properties;
PrimaryKey (with two properties, both java.lang.String)
javax.ejb.Handle (extends java.io.Serializable)
I'm going to lean towards something happening with Classloaders during rollback, as after the first exception, can't even load the Node (that's what is goinig on in;
I don't have the other stack traces handy right now, but any attempt to access anything, including java.lang. objects stored, all fail once this starts happening.
I am not sure that this is a Jetty issue for the following reasons;
1) ThinUserProxy itself is in a library jar that all the other EJBs and Servlets depend on. It has full application visibility
2) Jetty is not directly access JCache -- only through hrnexus. Although, it is highly probably that JCache is accessing the Jetty Classloaders, if I understand your response correctly.
I have never needed to sign up to the Jetty Support list before, so signing up there now. They might be able to provide additional insight.
Some questions;
- What's getting done to/in the classloader that is causing it to fail this spectacularly? Its almost like its been told to clear itself of all classes, and clear the parent classloaders as well.
- How do you get a ClassCastException on a ClassNotFoundException? (Seeing this one quite a bit)
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