[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: wstools-config.xml

jpramondon do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Mar 24 16:35:14 EDT 2008

Hi there,

I'm probably exhuming a pretty old post now, but I just wanted to make things clearer for me.
I've been reading a lot this week-end on JBossWS, WStools and a lot of surrounding topics and suffs.
>From what I understand, you suggest giving up using WSTools in the profit of annotations.
Here's where I'm a bit confused : 
- I thought annotations where for JAX-WS
- I know I can (correct me if I'm wrong alright) do some JAX-RPC with JAX-WS, because the latter supports the former.
- but wasn't JAX-WS only to use with Java 6 ? Or in other words : may I use annotations to replace my use of WSTools even if I'm coding JAX-RPC style webservices with java 5 ? 



"thomas.diesler at jboss.com" wrote : webservices.xml supports multiple service endpoints. You have to merge the wstools generated webservices.xml files manully.
  | BTW, wscompile does not generate webservices.xml at all.
  | Why not use JSR181 endpoints and get rid of all those offline tools generation issue all together?

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