[jboss-user] [JBoss jBPM] - Re: is it possible to force the token jump from one node to
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu May 8 06:52:24 EDT 2008
Hi dleerob,
me again.. hope you can help. I put together a little test class, pretty much lifted from yours, in order to reverse a process, (go back a couple of tasks) to sort out an issue documented in another post on this forum - topic 4149385.
| protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
| JbpmConfiguration jbpmConfiguration = JbpmConfiguration.getInstance();
| DbPersistenceServiceFactory dbPersistenceServiceFactory = (DbPersistenceServiceFactory) jbpmConfiguration.getServiceFactory(Services.SERVICENAME_PERSISTENCE);
| JbpmContext jbpmContext;
| ProcessInstance processInstance;
| public ProcessRouter() {
| logger.info("Constructing ProcessRouter");
| // Grab a handle on to the jbpmContext
| jbpmContext = jbpmConfiguration.createJbpmContext();
| }
| protected void reroute (long processInstanceId, Long tokenId, String nodeName) {
| logger.info("Rerouting token : " + tokenId + ", to node : " + nodeName + " on process : " + processInstanceId);
| // Grab the process we want to operate on
| processInstance = jbpmContext.getProcessInstance(processInstanceId);
| // Grab the token we want to reroute
| Token token = jbpmContext.getToken(tokenId);
| // Grab the node we want to reroute to
| Node newNode = processInstance.getProcessDefinition().getNode(nodeName);
| logger.debug("successfully grabbed process instance : " + processInstance.getId() + ", token : " + token.getId() + " and node : " + newNode.getName());
| // Cancel current incomplete task instances
| logger.debug("cancelling task instances found at token : " + tokenId);
| List deleteTaskInstanceList = new ArrayList();
| //create a separate list of those task instances to delete. If deleting them
| //straight from iterator, a ConcurrentModificationException will occur when calling it.next();
| for(Iterator it = processInstance.getTaskMgmtInstance().getTaskInstances().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
| TaskInstance taskInstance = (TaskInstance)it.next();
| if(tokenId.equals(taskInstance.getToken().getId() + "")) {
| if (taskInstance.getEnd() == null) { //not complete task
| deleteTaskInstanceList.add(taskInstance);
| }
| }
| }
| for (int x = 0; x < deleteTaskInstanceList.size(); x++) {
| TaskInstance taskInstance = (TaskInstance)deleteTaskInstanceList.get(x);
| //Clear local variables
| //We must clear local variables, or task instance will save variables
| //from previous instance. We must not delete them, but rather set them
| //to blank, or an exception will be thrown if the variables were
| //set to 'required' in the process definition.
| Map localVariables = taskInstance.getVariablesLocally();
| for (Iterator it = localVariables.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
| String variableName = (String)it.next();
| taskInstance.setVariableLocally(variableName, "");
| }
| logger.info("cancelling task instance with ID : '"+taskInstance.getId()+"'");
| boolean overwriteSwimlane = false; //don't overwrite swimlane actor
| taskInstance.setActorId("[rerouted by pctadmin]", overwriteSwimlane);
| taskInstance.setSignalling(false);
| //Workaround to stop task-end event from firing when we cancel a task instance.
| //Remove event, cancel task instance, add event again
| Task task = taskInstance.getTask();
| Event endTaskEvent = task.getEvent(Event.EVENTTYPE_TASK_END);
| if (endTaskEvent != null) {
| task.removeEvent(endTaskEvent);
| }
| taskInstance.cancel();
| if (endTaskEvent != null) {
| task.addEvent(endTaskEvent);
| }
| }
| // Perform the reroute step
| newNode.enter(new ExecutionContext(token));
| logger.info("Token with ID : " + token.getId() + " was rerouted to node : " + nodeName);
| // Perform some tidying up
| jbpmContext.close();
| dbPersistenceServiceFactory.dropSchema();
| jbpmContext = null;
| }
| public static void main (String args[]) {
| // Create a ProcessRouter
| ProcessRouter pRouter = new ProcessRouter();
| // For now hardcode the parameters in the main method
| long processInstanceId = 787;
| Long tokenId = new Long(920);
| String nodeName = "sm allocate dm";
| pRouter.reroute(processInstanceId, tokenId, nodeName);
| }
This code is running from Eclipse, talking to mysql 5, version 3.2.1 of the JBPM. It seems to more or less do what I expect, generating the node requested, however, I seem to lose several of my tables sometimes when I run it. I lost jbpm_taskinstance on one occasion, jbpm_id_user on another, and several others.
My hibernate.cfg.xml used locally within the project is listed below.
| <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
| <!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
| "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN"
| "http://hibernate.sourceforge.net/hibernate-configuration-3.0.dtd">
| <hibernate-configuration>
| <session-factory>
| <!-- hibernate dialect -->
| <property name="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect</property>
| <!-- JDBC connection properties (begin) ===-->
| <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</property>
| <property name="hibernate.connection.url">jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/jbpmtest</property>
| <property name="hibernate.connection.username">someuser</property>
| <property name="hibernate.connection.password">somepassword</property>
| <!--==== JDBC connection properties (end) -->
| <property name="hibernate.cache.provider_class">org.hibernate.cache.HashtableCacheProvider</property>
| <!-- DataSource properties (begin)
| <property name="hibernate.connection.datasource">java:/JbpmDS</property>
| DataSource properties (end) -->
| <!-- JTA transaction properties (begin) === -->
| <property name="hibernate.transaction.factory_class">org.hibernate.transaction.JDBCTransactionFactory</property>
| <!--<property name="hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class">org.hibernate.transaction.JBossTransactionManagerLookup</property>-->
| <!--==== JTA transaction properties (end) -->
| <!-- CMT transaction properties (begin) ===
| <property name="hibernate.transaction.factory_class">org.hibernate.transaction.CMTTransactionFactory</property>
| <property name="hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class">org.hibernate.transaction.JBossTransactionManagerLookup</property>
| ==== CMT transaction properties (end) -->
| <!-- logging properties (begin) ===
| <property name="hibernate.show_sql">true</property>
| <property name="hibernate.format_sql">true</property>
| <property name="hibernate.use_sql_comments">true</property>
| ==== logging properties (end) -->
| <!-- ############################################ -->
| <!-- # mapping files with external dependencies # -->
| <!-- ############################################ -->
| <!-- following mapping file has a dependendy on -->
| <!-- 'bsh-{version}.jar'. -->
| <!-- uncomment this if you don't have bsh on your -->
| <!-- classpath. you won't be able to use the -->
| <!-- script element in process definition files -->
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/action/Script.hbm.xml"/>
| <!-- following mapping files have a dependendy on -->
| <!-- 'jbpm-identity.jar', mapping files -->
| <!-- of the pluggable jbpm identity component. -->
| <!-- Uncomment the following 3 lines if you -->
| <!-- want to use the jBPM identity mgmgt -->
| <!-- component. -->
| <!-- identity mappings (begin) -->
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/identity/User.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/identity/Group.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/identity/Membership.hbm.xml"/>
| <!-- identity mappings (end) -->
| <!-- following mapping files have a dependendy on -->
| <!-- the JCR API -->
| <!-- jcr mappings (begin) ===
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/variableinstance/JcrNodeInstance.hbm.xml"/>
| ==== jcr mappings (end) -->
| <!-- ###################### -->
| <!-- # jbpm mapping files # -->
| <!-- ###################### -->
| <!-- hql queries and type defs -->
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/db/hibernate.queries.hbm.xml" />
| <!-- graph.action mapping files -->
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/action/MailAction.hbm.xml"/>
| <!-- graph.def mapping files -->
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/def/ProcessDefinition.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/def/Node.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/def/Transition.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/def/Event.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/def/Action.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/def/SuperState.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/def/ExceptionHandler.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/instantiation/Delegation.hbm.xml"/>
| <!-- graph.node mapping files -->
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/node/StartState.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/node/EndState.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/node/ProcessState.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/node/Decision.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/node/Fork.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/node/Join.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/node/MailNode.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/node/State.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/node/TaskNode.hbm.xml"/>
| <!-- context.def mapping files -->
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/def/ContextDefinition.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/def/VariableAccess.hbm.xml"/>
| <!-- taskmgmt.def mapping files -->
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/def/TaskMgmtDefinition.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/def/Swimlane.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/def/Task.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/def/TaskController.hbm.xml"/>
| <!-- module.def mapping files -->
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/module/def/ModuleDefinition.hbm.xml"/>
| <!-- bytes mapping files -->
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/bytes/ByteArray.hbm.xml"/>
| <!-- file.def mapping files -->
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/file/def/FileDefinition.hbm.xml"/>
| <!-- scheduler.def mapping files -->
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/scheduler/def/CreateTimerAction.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/scheduler/def/CancelTimerAction.hbm.xml"/>
| <!-- graph.exe mapping files -->
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/exe/Comment.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/exe/ProcessInstance.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/exe/Token.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/exe/RuntimeAction.hbm.xml"/>
| <!-- module.exe mapping files -->
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/module/exe/ModuleInstance.hbm.xml"/>
| <!-- context.exe mapping files -->
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/ContextInstance.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/TokenVariableMap.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/VariableInstance.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/variableinstance/ByteArrayInstance.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/variableinstance/DateInstance.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/variableinstance/DoubleInstance.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/variableinstance/HibernateLongInstance.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/variableinstance/HibernateStringInstance.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/variableinstance/LongInstance.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/variableinstance/NullInstance.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/exe/variableinstance/StringInstance.hbm.xml"/>
| <!-- job mapping files -->
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/job/Job.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/job/Timer.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/job/ExecuteNodeJob.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/job/ExecuteActionJob.hbm.xml"/>
| <!-- taskmgmt.exe mapping files -->
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/exe/TaskMgmtInstance.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/exe/TaskInstance.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/exe/PooledActor.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/exe/SwimlaneInstance.hbm.xml"/>
| <!-- logging mapping files -->
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/logging/log/ProcessLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/logging/log/MessageLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/logging/log/CompositeLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/log/ActionLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/log/NodeLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/log/ProcessInstanceCreateLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/log/ProcessInstanceEndLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/log/ProcessStateLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/log/SignalLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/log/TokenCreateLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/log/TokenEndLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/graph/log/TransitionLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/log/VariableLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/log/VariableCreateLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/log/VariableDeleteLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/log/VariableUpdateLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/log/variableinstance/ByteArrayUpdateLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/log/variableinstance/DateUpdateLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/log/variableinstance/DoubleUpdateLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/log/variableinstance/HibernateLongUpdateLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/log/variableinstance/HibernateStringUpdateLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/log/variableinstance/LongUpdateLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/context/log/variableinstance/StringUpdateLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/log/TaskLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/log/TaskCreateLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/log/TaskAssignLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/log/TaskEndLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/log/SwimlaneLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/log/SwimlaneCreateLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <mapping resource="org/jbpm/taskmgmt/log/SwimlaneAssignLog.hbm.xml"/>
| <!-- Custom Task -->
| <mapping resource="com/somepackage/workflow/taskinstance/CustomTaskInstance.hbm.xml"/>
| </session-factory>
| </hibernate-configuration>
I feel I am close to being able to move backwards within the process, but unfortunately parts of the database are destroyed in the process. I suppose I am missing something glaringly obvious here. Do you have any ideas?
Thanks in advance for your help,
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