[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - Deployment in tmp directory

jems do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Oct 27 10:31:41 EDT 2008


I am deploying war files to a jboss server, using a maven goal :

  | http://truc-muche.com:8080/jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor?action=invokeOpByName&name=jboss.system:service%3DMainDeployer&methodName=deploy&argType=java.net.URL&arg0=http://bidule.com:8080/repository/wars/machin.war

which works well as I get my war being exploded in "server/default/tmp/deploy/" and the webapp beign available.

But if I restart jboss, the tmp directory is cleaned, and I have to re-deploy the war file.

Is there any way to modify the target or configure jboss to put the war first in "server/default/deploy" ?

I have read a part of this forum and didn't find a related question, but if I missed it, please point me to the right direction :-)

Thanks for any help,


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