[jboss-user] [JBoss AOP] - Problems with Maven2 and JBoss AOP 1.5.6.GA

marvm do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Apr 2 07:18:25 EDT 2009

I'm trying to move my projects from Ant to Maven2. The maven-jbossaop-plugin is only compatible with jbossaop 2.0.x so I was wondering how someone else solved this problem.

At the moment I try to test everything with a very simple project that only consists of a Servlet. The jboss-aop.xml is ok, I just need to know how to trigger the code-weaving from within maven.

That's what I have so far...
  | 	<build>
  | 		<finalName>aop-test</finalName>
  | 		<plugins>
  | 			<plugin>
  | 				<artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId>
  | 				<executions>
  | 					<execution>
  | 						<phase>package</phase>
  | 						<configuration>
  | 							<tasks>
  | 								<ant antfile="build.xml">
  | 									<target name="aopc" />
  | 								</ant>
  | 							</tasks>
  | 						</configuration>
  | 						<goals>
  | 							<goal>run</goal>
  | 						</goals>
  | 					</execution>
  | 				</executions>
  | 			</plugin>
  | 		</plugins>
  | 	</build>


  | <project name="aoptest" default="aopc" basedir=".">
  | 	<path id="maven-ant-tasks.classpath" path="build-lib/maven-ant-tasks-2.0.9.jar" />
  | 	<typedef resource="org/apache/maven/artifact/ant/antlib.xml"
  | 	           uri="urn:maven-artifact-ant"
  | 	           classpathref="maven-ant-tasks.classpath" />
  | 	<artifact:dependencies pathId="dependency.classpath" xmlns:artifact="urn:maven-artifact-ant">
  | 		<dependency groupId="jboss.aop" artifactId="jboss-aop-jdk50" version="1.5.6.GA" scope="compile"/>
  | 	</artifact:dependencies>
  | 	<taskdef name="aopc" classname="org.jboss.aop.ant.AopC" classpathref="maven-ant-tasks.classpath" />
  | 	<target name="aopc" >
  | 		<aopc compilerclasspathref="dependency.classpath" verbose="false">
  | 			<classpath path="target/classes" />
  | 			<src path="target" />
  | 			<aoppath path="src/main/resources/jboss-aop.xml" />
  | 			<aopclasspath path="${jboss.home}/lib" />
  | 		</aopc>
  | 	</target>
  | </project>

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