[jboss-user] [JBoss Cache Users] - JBoss Cache and Hibernate

Milesy1871 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Aug 24 05:19:10 EDT 2009


I have set up an application using 

hibernate jboss cache - 3.3.2
jboss cache core - 3.1.0
hibernate core 3.3.2

deployed to Glassfish 2.1

and using the following hibernate properties



I can execute queries fine on my local machine.

How can I be check if data is coming from the cache and not directly from persistant storage. When I turn on hibernate's show_sql property SQL is generated and printed everytime I perform an action on the database, so there is no way to know if it is coming from the cache or not.

Secondly, how do I join a second machine to the cluster. Do I just deploy the application on another machine in the local network? Will the default JGroups configuration be ok for this? Or will I need to configure my own?

Best Regards,


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