[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - Re: Isolation woes...
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Aug 28 07:50:06 EDT 2009
Hi Jaikran,
I wanted to avoid deploying the shared code into each war because of the large number of webapps we have. Any updates to the shared code would mean a re-build and re-deploy of 50+ apps.
I was thanking that sharing the code via an ear instead of the /lib folder that would give me the ability to hot deploy updates to that code (it's my understanding that updates to jars in the /lib need a boot of jboss to take effect).
In the end I've punted and gone with an exploded ear that contains both the shared code, as well as the wars. It's not ideal since it requires a reload of the entire ear when a new version of a webapp is deployed, but it's better than a complete restart of jboss.
Thanks for your time.
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