[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools Users] - Error when deploying JBossESB SmooksAction to server

bbuzzard do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Dec 9 16:11:58 EST 2009

I'm using JBossESB 4.5GA.  I created an ESB that has a SmooksAction.  Everything works fine in the IDE, but when I try to deploy the ESB to the server I get an error stating that "smooks-graphics-ext.xsd" can not be located.  I copied the xsd into my browser and I got a site that had nothing to do with the xsd.

I can remove the graph namespace and element from my smooks-config file and I can deploy with no errors; however, I can no longer use the GUI in the IDE to edit the smooks-config file.  

Does anyone know what's going wrong here and/or how to fix it?

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