[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - Getting a JSF webapp to use UTF-8

Tashtego do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Feb 4 16:02:10 EST 2009

Hi together. Hope someone can help me out, I feel a bit confused ;)

I am developing a JSF webapp using facelets and Richfaces, deploying it on a JBoss 4 AppServer and I am using MySQL database.

So far so good. Everything works fine except some bugs with switching to UTF-8. I am getting misinterpreted signs instead of äöü (german ae, oe, ue. and what you see right here, are the misinterpreted signs even in this forum. seems phpbb isnt utf-8, too ^^). So the first thing was googling. And I googled... and tried...and googled. What I found out so far is, that there are so many different ways to tell the webapp to use UTF-8, its really curious. And.... not a single one works for me :(

1st possibility:

There is a tag inside every .xhtml page, which can be extended through lang="de" (or maybe lang="de_DE"?):

<HTML lang="de">

My question here: Why should I? How does it affect a webapp (in fact in my case it doesnt)

2nd possibility:
Inside the header of every .xhtml page there should be a first entry like this:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>

This already seems to sound right. And trying Firefox -> View -> Page Encoding shows me UTF-8 as marked for my .xhtml files. So far so good.

3rd possibility:
I am using windows, which doesnt use UTF-8 as default. Inside Eclipse I found out that you have to pay attention while saving files (properties, .xhtml...). Right Mouse -> Properties shows you wether you saved your files in UTF-8 or still in system default. After switching all my JSF project files to UTF-8 (I didnt switch all my EJB3 project files to UTF-8) I had to redo some text and change to german ae, oe, ue

4th possibility:
This leads us away from the .xhtml files and lets us change our web.xml by adding

  | 	<filter>
  | 		<filter-name>UTF8 Filter</filter-name>
  | 		<filter-class>myJSFproject.filter.UTF8Filter</filter-class>
  | 	</filter>
  | 	<filter-mapping>
  | 		<filter-name>UTF8 Filter</filter-name>
  | 		<url-pattern>*.xhtml</url-pattern>
  | 	</filter-mapping>

and developing a small java class like following:

  | package myJSFwebapp.filter;
  | import java.io.IOException;
  | import javax.servlet.Filter;
  | import javax.servlet.FilterChain;
  | import javax.servlet.FilterConfig;
  | import javax.servlet.ServletException;
  | import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
  | import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
  | public class UTF8Filter implements Filter {
  | 	public void destroy() {}
  | 	/**
  | 	 * @param ServletRequest
  | 	 * @param ServletResponse
  | 	 * @param FilterChain
  | 	 */
  | 	public void doFilter(	ServletRequest request,
  | 							ServletResponse response,
  | 							FilterChain chain ) throws 	IOException,
  | 														ServletException {
  | 		request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8");
  | 		response.setContentType("application/xhtml+xml");
  | 		chain.doFilter(request, response);
  | 	}
  | 	public void init(FilterConfig arg0) throws ServletException {}
  | }

This one should help changing the request and response to UTF-8... but it actually doesnt. Or thats not enough.

5th possibility:
The database tables must use UTF-8 too. So be sure to have your database schema and tables configured right.

Unfortunately I did. But my problem isnt text from the database (which seems to get me correct german signs!). My problem is reading text from a .properties file which gets shown wrong. So I went on googling...

6th possibility:
The forms can be changed to submit UTF-8 too. Whyever because the request / response should already be changed to UTF-8 through position 4, see above. It would work like:

<form method='post' accept-charset="UTF-8" ...> 

And if you dont want every single form to change you can even try this by extendig web.xml once again:

  | 	<!-- http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Intl/HTTPCharset/ -->
  | 	<!-- Now all forms take only UTF-8 -->
  | 	<context-param>
  | 		<param-name>PARAMETER_ENCODING</param-name>
  | 		<param-value>UTF-8</param-value>
  | 	</context-param>

Sounds great, but is it really neccesary? And it doesnt help me out because my text is coming from a properties file, not from a submitted inputed text.

7th possibility:
You can even change your f:view tag like following:

<!--How do I change the response contentType?-->
  | <f:view contentType="application/xhtml+xml"> ... </f:view>

It just ...wont help anyways.

and the last and in my opinion really cruelest way would be...

8th possibility:

Set JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djavax.servlet.request.encoding=UTF-8 -Djavax.servlet.response.encoding=UTF-8 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" in start script (run.sh....) from JBOSS.

To be honest... I didnt even try this one. Cant be right, can it??

By the way, you can even change the console output for JBOSS to UTF-8 in Eclipse server view, but that doesnt matter.

So finally I googled, I tried... and found NO way of using UTF-8 :( I really need help with this one and hope, anyone knows a bit more about this and can help me out! Would be great! Thanks in advance! Let me her what you tried and what you know about the above solutions.

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