[jboss-user] [JBoss Cache: Core Edition] - Getting Failed to insert node

atifoxon do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Feb 10 10:00:30 EST 2009

I am using cache loader but getting following in log
two syntax errors 
1. while executing creating table
2. whil executing insert node sql

insert node sql log
org.jboss.cache.loader.AdjListJDBCCacheLoader insertNode
SEVERE: Failed to insert node :A syntax error has occurred.

query i am getting is 

INSERT INTO jbosscache (fqn, node , parent) SELECT ?, ?, ? FROM jbosscache_D WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT fqn FROM jbosscache WHERE fqn = ?)

help me in resolving the problem

2. further i think the sql generated by api is not correct (or expected)
e.g for table creation when using jdbc loader i get following query

CREATE TABLE jbosscache
  | (
  | fqn VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, 
  | node  blob, 
  | parent VARCHAR(255), 
  | CONSTRAINT jbosscache_pk PRIMARY KEY (fqn)
  | ) 

which generates a syntax error

complete config file is

  | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  | <jbosscache xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="urn:jboss:jbosscache-core:config:3.0">
  |    <!-- Configure the TransactionManager -->
  |    <transaction transactionManagerLookupClass="org.jboss.cache.transaction.GenericTransactionManagerLookup"/>
  |    <!--      wakeUpInterval: time interval (millis) when the eviction thread kicks in.   -->
  |    <eviction wakeUpInterval="5000">
  |       <!--
  |          Cache wide defaults
  |          default algorithmClass: if an algorithm class is not specified for a region, this one is used by default.
  |          default eventQueueSize  if an event queue size is not specified for a region, this one is used by default.
  |       -->
  |       <default algorithmClass="org.jboss.cache.eviction.LRUAlgorithm" eventQueueSize="200000">
  |          <property name="maxNodes" value="5000" />
  |          <property name="timeToLive" value="100" />
  |       </default>
  |       <region name="/MCP/cards/">
  | 		<property name="maxNodes" value="3000" />
  | 		<property name="minTimeToLive" value="400" />
  |       </region>
  |    </eviction>
  | <!-- Cache Passivation for Tree Cache
  | On passivation, The objects are written to the backend store on eviction if passivation
  | is true, otherwise the objects are persisted. On activation, the objects are restored in
  | the memory cache and removed from the cache loader if 'passivation' attribute is true,
  | otherwise the objects are only loaded from the cache loader -->
  |     <loaders passivation="true" shared="true">
  |         <!-- if passivation is true, only the first cache loader is used; the rest are ignored -->
  |         <loader
  |                 class="org.jboss.cache.loader.JDBCCacheLoader"
  |                 async="false">
  |             <properties>
  |                 cache.jdbc.table.name=jbosscache
  |                 cache.jdbc.table.create=true
  |                 cache.jdbc.table.drop=true
  |                 cache.jdbc.table.primarykey=jbosscache_pk
  |                 cache.jdbc.fqn.column=fqn
  |                 cache.jdbc.fqn.type=VARCHAR(255)
  |                 cache.jdbc.node.column=node 
  |                 cache.jdbc.node.type=blob
  |                 cache.jdbc.parent.column=parent
  |                 cache.jdbc.driver=com.informix.jdbc.IfxDriver
  |                 cache.jdbc.url=jdbc:informix-sqli://<host>:<port1533>/<database>:informixserver=<dbservername>
  |                 cache.jdbc.user=userid
  |                 cache.jdbc.password=password
  |             </properties>
  |         </loader>
  |     </loaders>
  | </jbosscache>


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