[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - CMS

vantek do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Mar 6 10:48:45 EST 2009


in my *-object.xml files, i have cms windows referring files, not present by default. Is there any way to deploy them automatically, without creating them manually in CMS administration (boring when a lot of files)?

I saw here ( http://www.jbossworld.com/2008/downloads/pdf/friday/11-1150am_JBoss_Portal_How-To_Guide_Peter_Johnson.pdf ) that default content were in "server\default\deploy\jboss-portal.sar\portal-cms.sar\portal\cms\conf\default-content" and that there is a jboss-service.xml in META-inf folder to configure, but i want to define same thing in my project (then i'll just have to deploy the war on a fresh jboss portal server, and basta)

how can i do? what do i have to redefine? do i just have to copy/paste this jboss-service.xml to my META-INF folder (and configure the DefaultContentLocation attribute) ?

my config : 

Eclipse 3.3 on Win XP, Jboss tools, jBoss portal 2.7.1 with jBoss AS 4.2.3

thanks a lot in advance.

ps : here is the jboss-service.xml from \deploy\jboss-portal.sar\portal-cms.sar\META-INF

  |   ~ JBoss, a division of Red Hat                                              ~
  |   ~ Copyright 2006, Red Hat Middleware, LLC, and individual                   ~
  |   ~ contributors as indicated by the @authors tag. See the                    ~
  |   ~ copyright.txt in the distribution for a full listing of                   ~
  |   ~ individual contributors.                                                  ~
  |   ~                                                                           ~
  |   ~ This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it           ~
  |   ~ under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as               ~
  |   ~ published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of          ~
  |   ~ the License, or (at your option) any later version.                       ~
  |   ~                                                                           ~
  |   ~ This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,          ~
  |   ~ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            ~
  |   ~ Lesser General Public License for more details.                           ~
  |   ~                                                                           ~
  |   ~ You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public          ~
  |   ~ License along with this software; if not, write to the Free               ~
  |   ~ Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA        ~
  |   ~ 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.                  ~
  |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-->
  | <server>
  |    <!--  Management MBean -->
  |    <!-- Unused, the bean doesn't bring any interesting value -->
  |    <!--
  |    <mbean
  |       code="org.jboss.portal.cms.management.CMSImpl"
  |       name="portal.management:service=Management,type=CMS,name=Default"
  |       xmbean-dd=""
  |       xmbean-code="org.jboss.portal.jems.as.system.JBossServiceModelMBean">
  |       <depends
  |          optional-attribute-name="CMS"
  |          proxy-type="attribute">portal:service=CMS</depends>
  |       <xmbean/>
  |    </mbean>
  |    -->
  |    <mbean
  |       code="org.jboss.portal.jems.hibernate.SessionFactoryBinder"
  |       name="portal:service=Hibernate,type=CMS"
  |       xmbean-dd=""
  |       xmbean-code="org.jboss.portal.jems.as.system.JBossServiceModelMBean">
  |       <xmbean/>
  |       <depends>jboss.jca:service=DataSourceBinding,name=PortalDS</depends>
  |       <attribute name="DoChecking">true</attribute>
  |       <attribute name="ConfigLocation">conf/hibernate/cms/hibernate.cfg.xml</attribute>
  |       <attribute name="JNDIName">java:/portal/cms/CMSSessionFactory</attribute>
  |    </mbean>  
  |    <mbean
  |       code="org.jboss.portal.cms.impl.jcr.JCRCMS"
  |       name="portal:service=CMS"
  |       xmbean-dd=""
  |       xmbean-code="org.jboss.portal.jems.as.system.JBossServiceModelMBean">
  |       <xmbean/>
  |       <!-- The datasource hibernate depends on, it can be commented when the file store is used -->
  |       <depends>jboss.jca:service=DataSourceBinding,name=PortalDS</depends>
  |       <depends>portal:service=JAASLoginModule</depends>
  |       <depends>portal:service=Hibernate,type=CMS</depends>
  |       <depends>cms.pm.cache:service=TreeCache</depends>
  |       <depends optional-attribute-name="AuthorizationManager" proxy-type="attribute">portal:service=AuthorizationManager,type=cms</depends>
  |       <!-- Add this to activate publish/approval workflow integration -->
  |       <!--
  |       <depends optional-attribute-name="ApprovePublishWorkflow" proxy-type="attribute">portal:service=ApprovePublish,type=Workflow</depends>
  |       -->
  |       <depends optional-attribute-name="StackFactory" proxy-type="attribute">portal:service=InterceptorStackFactory,type=Cms</depends>
  |       <attribute name="DoChecking">true</attribute>
  |       <attribute name="DefaultContentLocation">portal/cms/conf/default-content/default/</attribute>
  |       <attribute name="DefaultLocale">en</attribute>
  |       <attribute name="RepositoryName">PortalRepository</attribute>
  |       <attribute name="HomeDir">${jboss.server.data.dir}${/}portal${/}cms${/}conf</attribute>
  |       <attribute name="CmsSessionFactory">java:/portal/cms/CMSSessionFactory</attribute>      
  |       <attribute name="Config">
  |          <Repository>
  |             <!--
  |                | virtual file system where the repository stores global state (e.g. registered namespaces, custom node types, etc.)
  |                | Configure to use FS or RDBMS.
  |                -->
  |             <!-- HibernateStore: uses RDBMS + Hibernate for storage -->
  |             <FileSystem class="org.jboss.portal.cms.hibernate.HibernateStore">
  |                <param name="schemaObjectPrefix" value="RepositoryEntry"/>
  |                <param name="JNDIName" value="java:/portal/cms/CMSSessionFactory"/>
  |             </FileSystem>
  |             <!-- LocalFileSystem: uses FileSystem for storage. -->
  |             <!--
  |             <FileSystem class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.fs.local.LocalFileSystem">
  |                <param name="path" value="${rep.home}/repository"/>
  |             </FileSystem>
  |             -->
  |             <Security appName="Jackrabbit">
  |                <AccessManager class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.security.SimpleAccessManager"/>
  |                <LoginModule class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.security.SimpleLoginModule">
  |                   <!-- anonymous user name ('anonymous' is the default value) -->
  |                   <param name="anonid" value="anonymous"/>
  |                </LoginModule>
  |             </Security>
  |             <Workspaces rootPath="${rep.home}/workspaces" defaultWorkspace="default"/>
  |             <Workspace name="${wsp.name}">
  |                <!-- Virtual file system of the workspace:  Configure to use FS or RDBMS. -->
  |                <!-- HibernateStore: uses RDBMS + Hibernate for storage -->
  |                <FileSystem class="org.jboss.portal.cms.hibernate.HibernateStore">
  |                   <param name="schemaObjectPrefix" value="CMSEntry"/>
  |                   <param name="JNDIName" value="java:/portal/cms/CMSSessionFactory"/>
  |                </FileSystem>
  |                <!-- LocalFileSystem: uses FileSystem for storage. -->
  |                <!--<FileSystem class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.fs.local.LocalFileSystem">
  |                <param name="path" value="${wsp.home}"/>
  |                </FileSystem>-->
  |                <!--
  |                    persistence manager of the workspace.
  |                    Use XMLPersistenceManager for LocalFileSystem Store and JBossCachePersistenceManager .
  |                -->
  |                <!-- HibernatePersistentManager: uses RDBMS + Hibernate for storage -->
  |                <PersistenceManager class="org.jboss.portal.cms.hibernate.state.JBossCachePersistenceManager">
  |                   <param name="schemaObjectPrefix" value="WSP"/>
  |                   <param name="JNDIName" value="java:/portal/cms/CMSSessionFactory"/>
  |                   <param name="externalBLOBs" value="false"/>
  |                </PersistenceManager>
  |                <!-- XMLPersistenceManager: uses FileSystem for storage -->
  |                <!--<PersistenceManager class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.xml.XMLPersistenceManager"/>-->
  |                <SearchIndex class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.SearchIndex">
  | 	      		<param name="path" value="${wsp.home}/index"/>
  | 	      		<param name="textFilterClasses" value="org.apache.jackrabbit.extractor.HTMLTextExtractor"/>
  | 	      		<param name="useCompoundFile" value="true"/>
  | 	      		<param name="minMergeDocs" value="100"/>
  | 	      		<param name="volatileIdleTime" value="3"/>
  | 	      		<param name="maxMergeDocs" value="100000"/>
  | 	      		<param name="mergeFactor" value="10"/>
  | 	      		<param name="bufferSize" value="10"/>
  | 	      		<param name="cacheSize" value="1000"/>
  | 	      		<param name="forceConsistencyCheck" value="false"/>
  | 	      		<param name="autoRepair" value="true"/>
  |        		   </SearchIndex>
  |             </Workspace>
  |             <Versioning rootPath="${rep.home}/versions">
  |                <!--
  |                    Configures the filesystem to use for versioning for the respective persistence manager
  |                    Configure to use FS or RDBMS.
  |                -->
  |                <!-- HibernateStore: uses RDBMS + Hibernate for storage -->
  |                <FileSystem class="org.jboss.portal.cms.hibernate.HibernateStore">
  |                   <param name="schemaObjectPrefix" value="VersionEntry"/>
  |                   <param name="JNDIName" value="java:/portal/cms/CMSSessionFactory"/>
  |                </FileSystem>
  |                <!-- LocalFileSystem: uses FileSystem for storage. -->
  |                <!--
  |                <FileSystem class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.fs.local.LocalFileSystem">
  |                 <param name="path" value="${rep.home}/versions"/>
  |                </FileSystem>
  |                -->
  |                <!--
  |                    Configures the persistence manager to be used for persisting version state.
  |                    Use XMLPersistenceManager for LocalFileSystem Store and JBossCachePersistenceManager for HibernateStore.
  |                -->
  |                <!-- HibernatePersistentManager: uses RDBMS + Hibernate for storage -->
  |                <PersistenceManager class="org.jboss.portal.cms.hibernate.state.JBossCachePersistenceManager">
  |                   <param name="schemaObjectPrefix" value="Version"/>
  |                   <param name="JNDIName" value="java:/portal/cms/CMSSessionFactory"/>
  |                   <param name="externalBLOBs" value="false"/>
  |                </PersistenceManager>
  |                <!-- XMLPersistenceManager: uses FileSystem for storage -->
  |                <!--<PersistenceManager class="org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.xml.XMLPersistenceManager"/>-->
  |             </Versioning>
  |          </Repository>
  |       </attribute>
  |       <attribute name="JNDIName">java:portal/CMS</attribute>
  |    </mbean>
  |    <!--
  |    	| Uncomment in clustered mode : Provides an HA-singleton based clustering architecture. 
  |    <mbean
  |       code="org.jboss.invocation.jrmp.server.JRMPProxyFactory"
  |       name="portal:service=ProxyFactory,type=CMS">
  |       <depends optional-attribute-name="InvokerName">jboss:service=invoker,type=jrmp</depends>
  |       <attribute name="TargetName">portal:service=CMS</attribute>
  |       <attribute name="ExportedInterfaces">org.jboss.portal.jems.ha.HASingletonInvokerMBean$Proxy</attribute>
  |       <attribute name="InvokeTargetMethod">true</attribute>
  |       <attribute name="ClientInterceptors">
  |         <interceptors>
  |           <interceptor>org.jboss.proxy.ClientMethodInterceptor</interceptor>
  |           <interceptor>org.jboss.invocation.InvokerInterceptor</interceptor>
  |         </interceptors>
  |       </attribute>
  |    </mbean>
  |    <mbean
  |       code="org.jboss.portal.jems.ha.HASingletonInvoker"
  |       name="portal:service=HASingletonInvoker,type=CMS">
  |       <depends>jboss:service=${jboss.partition.name:DefaultPartition}</depends>
  |       <attribute name="RetryWaitingTimeMS">2000</attribute>
  |       <attribute name="MaxRetries">1</attribute>
  |       <attribute name="JNDIName">MyServiceInvokeTarget</attribute>
  |       <attribute name="JNDIProperties">
  |          java.naming.factory.initial=org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory
  |          java.naming.factory.url.pkgs=org.jboss.naming:org.jnp.interfaces
  |          java.naming.provider.url=${jboss.bind.address:localhost}:1100
  |          jnp.disableDiscovery=false
  |          jnp.partitionName=${jboss.partition.name:DefaultPartition}
  |          jnp.discoveryGroup=${jboss.partition.udpGroup:}
  |          jnp.discoveryPort=1102
  |          jnp.discoveryTTL=16
  |          jnp.discoveryTimeout=5000
  |          jnp.maxRetries=1
  |       </attribute>
  |       <depends optional-attribute-name="Callback" proxy-type="attribute">portal:service=CMS</depends>
  |       <depends optional-attribute-name="ProxyFactory">portal:service=ProxyFactory,type=CMS</depends>
  |    </mbean>
  |    -->
  |    <mbean
  |       code="org.jboss.portal.core.cms.CMSObjectCommandFactoryService"
  |       name="portal:commandFactory=CMSObject"
  |       xmbean-dd=""
  |       xmbean-code="org.jboss.portal.jems.as.system.JBossServiceModelMBean">
  |       <xmbean/>
  |       <attribute name="TargetWindowRef">default.default.CMSWindow</attribute>
  |       <depends
  |          optional-attribute-name="CMSService"
  |          proxy-type="attribute">portal:service=CMS</depends>
  |       <depends
  |          optional-attribute-name="ServerConfig"
  |          proxy-type="attribute">portal:service=ServerConfig</depends>
  |    </mbean>
  |    <mbean
  |       code="org.jboss.portal.core.controller.command.mapper.CommandFactoryDelegate"
  |       name="portal:commandFactory=Delegate,path=content"
  |       xmbean-dd=""
  |       xmbean-code="org.jboss.portal.jems.as.system.JBossServiceModelMBean">
  |       <xmbean/>
  |       <attribute name="Path">/content</attribute>
  |       <depends
  |          optional-attribute-name="DelegatingFactory"
  |          proxy-type="attribute">portal:commandFactory=Delegating</depends>
  |       <depends
  |          optional-attribute-name="DelegateFactory"
  |          proxy-type="attribute">portal:commandFactory=CMSObject</depends>
  |    </mbean>
  |    <mbean
  |       code="org.jboss.portal.core.cms.CMSObjectURLFactory"
  |       name="portal:urlFactory=CMSObject"
  |       xmbean-dd=""
  |       xmbean-code="org.jboss.portal.jems.as.system.JBossServiceModelMBean">
  |       <xmbean/>
  |       <attribute name="Path">/content</attribute>
  |       <depends optional-attribute-name="Factory" proxy-type="attribute">portal:urlFactory=Delegating</depends>
  |    </mbean>
  |    <!-- TreeCache configuration used to cache CMS data -->
  |    <mbean code="org.jboss.cache.TreeCache"
  |           name="cms.pm.cache:service=TreeCache">   
  |            <depends>jboss:service=Naming</depends>
  |            <depends>jboss:service=TransactionManager</depends>
  |            <depends>portal:service=Hibernate,type=CMS</depends>
  |       <!--
  |       Configure the TransactionManager
  |       -->
  |       <attribute name="TransactionManagerLookupClass">org.jboss.cache.GenericTransactionManagerLookup</attribute>
  |       <!--
  |         Node locking scheme:
  |         OPTIMISTIC
  |         PESSIMISTIC (default)
  |         using the OPTIMISTIC scheme, the ISOLATION_LEVEL value is ignored
  |         -->
  |       <!--attribute name="NodeLockingScheme">OPTIMISTIC</attribute-->
  |       <!--
  |           Isolation level : SERIALIZABLE
  |                             REPEATABLE_READ (default)
  |                             READ_COMMITTED
  |                             READ_UNCOMMITTED
  |                             NONE
  |       -->
  |       <attribute name="IsolationLevel">REPEATABLE_READ</attribute>
  |       <!--
  |            Valid modes are LOCAL
  |                            REPL_ASYNC
  |                            REPL_SYNC
  |                            INVALIDATION_ASYNC
  |                            INVALIDATION_SYNC
  |       -->
  |       <!-- in a non-HA environment with the Jackrabbit cluster is activated -->
  |       <!--attribute name="CacheMode">INVALIDATION_ASYNC</attribute-->
  |       <!-- in a HA environment since there is only a singleton node for CMS, this can be local -->
  |       <attribute name="CacheMode">LOCAL</attribute>
  |       <!--
  |       Just used for async repl: use a replication queue
  |       -->
  |       <attribute name="UseReplQueue">false</attribute>
  |       <!--
  |           Replication interval for replication queue (in ms)
  |       -->
  |       <attribute name="ReplQueueInterval">0</attribute>
  |       <!--
  |           Max number of elements which trigger replication
  |       -->
  |       <attribute name="ReplQueueMaxElements">0</attribute>
  |       <!-- Name of cluster. Needs to be the same for all clusters, in order
  |            to find each other
  |       -->
  |       <attribute name="ClusterName">JCRPMCache</attribute>
  |       <!-- JGroups protocol stack properties. Can also be a URL,
  |            e.g. file:/home/bela/default.xml
  |          <attribute name="ClusterProperties"></attribute>
  |       -->
  |       <attribute name="ClusterConfig">
  |                <config>
  |                    <!-- UDP: if you have a multihomed machine,
  |                    set the bind_addr attribute to the appropriate NIC IP address -->
  |                   <!-- UDP: On Windows machines, because of the media sense feature
  |             being broken with multicast (even after disabling media sense)
  |             set the loopback attribute to true -->
  |                   <UDP mcast_addr="" mcast_port="48866"
  |                        ip_ttl="64" ip_mcast="true"
  |                        receive_on_all_interfaces="true"
  |                        mcast_send_buf_size="150000" mcast_recv_buf_size="80000"
  |                        ucast_send_buf_size="150000" ucast_recv_buf_size="80000"
  |                        loopback="false"/>
  |                    <PING timeout="2000" num_initial_members="3"
  |                          up_thread="false" down_thread="false"/>
  |                    <MERGE2 min_interval="10000" max_interval="20000"/>
  |                   <!--        <FD shun="true" up_thread="true" down_thread="true" />-->
  |                   <FD_SOCK/>
  |                    <VERIFY_SUSPECT timeout="1500"
  |                                    up_thread="false" down_thread="false"/>
  |                    <pbcast.NAKACK gc_lag="50" retransmit_timeout="600,1200,2400,4800"
  |                                   max_xmit_size="8192" up_thread="false" down_thread="false"/>
  |                    <UNICAST timeout="600,1200,2400" window_size="100" min_threshold="10"
  |                             down_thread="false"/>
  |                    <pbcast.STABLE desired_avg_gossip="20000"
  |                                   up_thread="false" down_thread="false"/>
  |                    <FRAG frag_size="8192"
  |                          down_thread="false" up_thread="false"/>
  |                    <pbcast.GMS join_timeout="5000" join_retry_timeout="2000"
  |                                shun="true" print_local_addr="true"/>
  |                    <pbcast.STATE_TRANSFER up_thread="true" down_thread="true"/>
  |                </config>
  |            </attribute>
  |       <!--
  |        Whether or not to fetch state on joining a cluster
  |        NOTE this used to be called FetchStateOnStartup and has been renamed to be more descriptive.
  |        Not supported in version 1.2.4SP2 which is what ships by default in 4.0.4GA
  |       -->
  |       <!--attribute name="FetchInMemoryState">false</attribute-->
  |       <!--
  |           The max amount of time (in milliseconds) we wait until the
  |           initial state (ie. the contents of the cache) are retrieved from
  |           existing members in a clustered environment
  |       -->
  |       <attribute name="InitialStateRetrievalTimeout">20000</attribute>
  |       <!--
  |           Number of milliseconds to wait until all responses for a
  |           synchronous call have been received.
  |       -->
  |       <attribute name="SyncReplTimeout">20000</attribute>
  |       <!-- Max number of milliseconds to wait for a lock acquisition -->
  |       <attribute name="LockAcquisitionTimeout">15000</attribute>
  |       <!-- Name of the eviction policy class. -->
  |       <attribute name="EvictionPolicyClass"></attribute>
  |       <!--
  |          Indicate whether to use region based marshalling or not. Set this to true if you are running under a scoped
  |          class loader, e.g., inside an application server. Default is "false".
  |          Not supported in version 1.2.4SP2 which is what ships by default in 4.0.4GA
  |       -->
  |       <!--attribute name="UseRegionBasedMarshalling">false</attribute-->
  |       <!--
  |             Configuring the PortalCMSCacheLoader
  |             CacheLoader configuratoon for 1.4.0
  |       -->
  |       <attribute name="CacheLoaderConfiguration">
  |                <config>                
  |                    <passivation>false</passivation>
  |                    <preload></preload>
  |                    <shared>false</shared>
  |                    <cacheloader>
  |                        <class>org.jboss.portal.cms.hibernate.state.PortalCMSCacheLoader</class>
  |                        <properties>
  |                        	cmsSessionFactory=java:/portal/cms/CMSSessionFactory
  |                        </properties>
  |                        <async>false</async>
  |                        <fetchPersistentState>false</fetchPersistentState>
  |                        <ignoreModifications>false</ignoreModifications>
  |                    </cacheloader>
  |                </config>
  |            </attribute>
  |       <!--
  |             Configuring the PortalCMSCacheLoader
  |             CacheLoader configuratoon for 1.2.4SP2
  |       -->
  |       <!--attribute name="CacheLoaderClass">org.jboss.portal.cms.hibernate.state.PortalCMSCacheLoader</attribute>
  |      <attribute name="CacheLoaderConfig" replace="false"></attribute>
  |      <attribute name="CacheLoaderPassivation">false</attribute>
  |      <attribute name="CacheLoaderPreload"></attribute>
  |      <attribute name="CacheLoaderShared">false</attribute>
  |      <attribute name="CacheLoaderFetchTransientState">false</attribute>
  |      <attribute name="CacheLoaderFetchPersistentState">false</attribute>
  |      <attribute name="CacheLoaderAsynchronous">false</attribute-->
  |     </mbean>
  |    <!--  interceptor factory where all cms interceptors are registered -->
  |    <mbean
  |       code="org.jboss.portal.server.impl.invocation.JBossInterceptorStackFactory"
  |       name="portal:service=InterceptorStackFactory,type=Cms"
  |       xmbean-dd=""
  |       xmbean-code="org.jboss.portal.jems.as.system.JBossServiceModelMBean">
  |       <xmbean/>
  |       <depends-list optional-attribute-name="InterceptorNames">
  |          <depends-list-element>portal:service=Interceptor,type=Cms,name=ACL</depends-list-element>
  |          <depends-list-element>portal:service=Interceptor,type=Cms,name=ApprovalWorkflow</depends-list-element>
  |       </depends-list>
  |    </mbean>
  |    <!-- CMS Authorization Security Service -->
  |    <mbean
  |       code="org.jboss.portal.cms.security.AuthorizationManagerImpl"
  |       name="portal:service=AuthorizationManager,type=cms"
  |       xmbean-dd=""
  |       xmbean-code="org.jboss.portal.jems.as.system.JBossServiceModelMBean">
  |       <xmbean/>
  |       <attribute name="JNDIName">java:portal/cms/AuthorizationManager</attribute>  
  |       <depends optional-attribute-name="Provider" proxy-type="attribute">
  |       	portal:service=AuthorizationProvider,type=cms
  |       </depends>         
  |    </mbean>   
  |    <mbean
  |       code="org.jboss.portal.cms.security.AuthorizationProviderImpl"
  |       name="portal:service=AuthorizationProvider,type=cms"
  |       xmbean-dd=""
  |       xmbean-code="org.jboss.portal.jems.as.system.JBossServiceModelMBean">
  |       <xmbean/> 
  |       <!--
  |       	NOTE: cmsRootUserName denotes a single Portal user that has access to everything in the CMS. Denote this user
  |       	carefully and should be synonymous to the 'root' user in a Unix system. By default: this value is the built-in
  |       	'admin' user account. This can be changed to any other user account registered in your Portal
  |       -->
  |       <attribute name="CmsRootUserName">admin</attribute> 
  |       <attribute name="CmsSessionFactory">java:/portal/cms/CMSSessionFactory</attribute> 
  |       <depends optional-attribute-name="IdentityServiceController" proxy-type="attribute">portal:service=Module,type=IdentityServiceController</depends>     
  |    </mbean>
  |    <!-- ACL Security Interceptor -->
  |    <mbean
  |       code="org.jboss.portal.cms.impl.interceptors.ACLInterceptor"
  |       name="portal:service=Interceptor,type=Cms,name=ACL"
  |       xmbean-dd=""
  |       xmbean-code="org.jboss.portal.jems.as.system.JBossServiceModelMBean">
  |       <xmbean/>
  |       <attribute name="JNDIName">java:/portal/cms/ACLInterceptor</attribute>
  |       <attribute name="CmsSessionFactory">java:/portal/cms/CMSSessionFactory</attribute>
  |       <attribute name="IdentitySessionFactory">java:/portal/IdentitySessionFactory</attribute>
  |       <attribute name="DefaultPolicy">
  |       	<![CDATA[
  |       	<policy>
  |       			<!-- permissions on the root cms node -->      			
  |       			<criteria name="path" value="/">
  |       				<permission name="cms" action="read">
  |       					<role name="Anonymous"/>
  |       				</permission>
  |       				<permission name="cms" action="write">
  |       					<role name="User"/>
  |       				</permission>
  |       				<permission name="cms" action="manage">
  |       					<role name="Admin"/>
  |       				</permission>
  |       			</criteria>
  |       			<!-- permissions on the default cms node -->      			
  |       			<criteria name="path" value="/default">
  |       				<permission name="cms" action="read">
  |       					<role name="Anonymous"/>
  |       				</permission>
  |       				<permission name="cms" action="write">
  |       					<role name="User"/>
  |       				</permission>
  |       				<permission name="cms" action="manage">
  |       					<role name="Admin"/>
  |       				</permission>
  |       			</criteria>      			
  |       			<!-- permissions on the private/protected node -->
  |       			<criteria name="path" value="/default/private">
  |       				<permission name="cms" action="manage">
  |       					<role name="Admin"/>
  |       				</permission>
  |       			</criteria>
  |       	</policy>
  |       	]]>
  |       </attribute>
  |       <depends optional-attribute-name="AuthorizationManager" proxy-type="attribute">
  |       	portal:service=AuthorizationManager,type=cms
  |       </depends>            
  |       <depends>portal:service=Hibernate,type=CMS</depends>
  |       <depends>portal:service=Module,type=IdentityServiceController</depends>      
  |    </mbean>
  |    <!-- Approval Workflow Interceptor -->
  |    <mbean
  |       code="org.jboss.portal.cms.impl.interceptors.ApprovalWorkflowInterceptor"
  |       name="portal:service=Interceptor,type=Cms,name=ApprovalWorkflow"
  |       xmbean-dd=""
  |       xmbean-code="org.jboss.portal.jems.as.system.JBossServiceModelMBean">
  |       <xmbean/>    
  |       <attribute name="JNDIName">java:/portal/cms/ApprovalWorkflowInterceptor</attribute>              
  |       <depends>portal:service=Hibernate,type=CMS</depends>      
  |    </mbean>
  |    <mbean
  |       code="org.jboss.portal.core.cms.aspect.IdentityBindingInterceptor"
  |       name="portal:service=Interceptor,type=Server,name=CMSIdentityBinding"
  |       xmbean-dd=""
  |       xmbean-code="org.jboss.portal.jems.as.system.JBossServiceModelMBean">
  |       <xmbean/>
  |    </mbean>
  |    <mbean
  |       code="org.jboss.portal.server.impl.invocation.JBossInterceptorRegistration"
  |       name="portal:service=InterceptorRegistration,type=Server,name=CMSIdentityBinding"
  |       xmbean-dd=""
  |       xmbean-code="org.jboss.portal.jems.as.system.JBossServiceModelMBean">
  |       <xmbean/>
  |       <depends
  |          optional-attribute-name="InterceptorName">portal:service=Interceptor,type=Server,name=CMSIdentityBinding</depends>
  |       <depends
  |          optional-attribute-name="StackFactory">portal:service=InterceptorStackFactory,type=Server</depends>
  |    </mbean>
  |    <!-- Content renderer integration -->
  |    <mbean
  |       code="org.jboss.portal.core.cms.content.InternalCMSContentProvider"
  |       name="portal:service=ContentRenderer,type=cms"
  |       xmbean-dd=""
  |       xmbean-code="org.jboss.portal.jems.as.system.JBossServiceModelMBean">
  |       <xmbean/>
  |       <attribute name="ContentType">cms</attribute>
  |       <attribute name="DecorateContent">false</attribute>
  |       <attribute name="PortletInstanceName">CMSPortletInstance</attribute>
  |       <depends
  |          optional-attribute-name="Registry"
  |          proxy-type="attribute">portal:service=ContentProviderRegistry</depends>
  |       <depends
  |          optional-attribute-name="CommandFactory"
  |          proxy-type="attribute">portal:commandFactory=CMSObject</depends>
  |       <depends
  |          optional-attribute-name="PortalAuthorizationManagerFactory"
  |          proxy-type="attribute">portal:service=PortalAuthorizationManagerFactory</depends>
  |       <depends
  |          optional-attribute-name="InstanceContainer"
  |          proxy-type="attribute">portal:container=Instance</depends>
  |    </mbean>
  |    <!-- ApprovePublish workflow service -->
  |    <mbean
  |       code="org.jboss.portal.cms.workflow.ApprovePublishImpl"
  |       name="portal:service=ApprovePublish,type=Workflow"
  |       xmbean-dd=""
  |       xmbean-code="org.jboss.portal.jems.as.system.JBossServiceModelMBean">
  |       <xmbean/>
  |       <depends optional-attribute-name="WorkflowService" proxy-type="attribute">
  |       	portal:service=Workflow,type=WorkflowService
  |       </depends>
  |       <depends optional-attribute-name="IdentityServiceController" proxy-type="attribute">
  |       	portal:service=Module,type=IdentityServiceController
  |       </depends>
  |       <!-- JBPM process definition -->
  |       <attribute name="Process">
  |       	<![CDATA[      	     
  |   	         <!-- cms approval workflow -->
  |   	   		 <process-definition name="approval_workflow">
  | 		      <start-state>
  | 		      	<transition to="request_approval"/>			      		
  | 		        </start-state>
  | 		        <task-node name="request_approval" signal="first">
  | 		          <task name="approve_publish">
  | 		            <assignment class="org.jboss.portal.cms.workflow.PublishAssignmentHandler"/>
  | 		            <event type="task-start">
  | 		            	<action class="org.jboss.portal.cms.workflow.FinalizePublish"/>	
  | 		            </event>
  | 		            <exception-handler>
  | 		            	<action class="org.jboss.portal.cms.workflow.TaskExceptionHandler"/>	
  | 		            </exception-handler>
  | 		          </task>		          
  | 		          <transition name="approval" to="end"/>		          		      	  
  | 	              <transition name="rejection" to="end"/>	                       
  | 		        </task-node>			      
  | 		        <end-state name="end"/>		          
  | 		     </process-definition>		      		      			      
  |       	]]>
  |       </attribute>
  |       <!-- 
  |       		  overwrite = false creates the process first time if does not exist, for
  |       	      subsequent server restarts, this process definition remains in tact
  |   	          overwrite = true creates the process first time if does not exist,
  |   	          for subsequent server restarts, it creates a new version of the process definition
  |   	          which will be used for processes created from then onwards. Old processes created
  |   	          for an older version of the definition remain in tact and use their corresponding
  |   	          process definition.
  |   	          Typically use overwrite=false and overwrite=true only when a new process definition
  |   	          related to this workflow needs to be deployed
  |       -->
  |       <attribute name="Overwrite">false</attribute>
  |       <!-- 
  |       		a comma separated list of portal roles that are designated
  |       		to act as workflow managers. They are allowed to 
  |       		approve/reject content publish requests       		      		
  |       -->
  |       <attribute name="ManagerRoles">Admin</attribute>
  |       <attribute name="JNDIName">java:portal/ApprovePublishWorkflow</attribute>
  |       <!-- Now that a manager GUI is integrated..no need for email based manager screen -->
  |       <!--
  |             <attribute name="From">do-not-reply at jboss.com</attribute>
  |             <attribute name="Subject">Content Approval Requested</attribute>
  |             <attribute name="Body">
  |                <![CDATA[
  |                     Approval is needed to publish the following Content:
  |                     Content Location : {0}
  |                     Content Type : {1}
  |                     Content Size : {2}
  |                     Creation Date : {3}
  |                     User : {4}
  |                     <a href="http://localhost/workflow/approve?pId={5}&manager={6}">Approve</a>
  |                     <a href="http://localhost/workflow/reject?pId={7}&manager={8}">Reject</a>
  |                ]]>
  |             </attribute>
  |       -->
  |    </mbean>     
  | </server>

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