[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools (users)] - visual HQL constructor tool?

asookazian do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Mar 12 17:31:40 EDT 2009

Does JBoss Tools 3.x have a tool that will allow you to do this:

see a view with all of your entity classes

select multiple entity classes in this diagram/view to form the basis of a HQL select statement

automatically create the HQL and dump it in the HQL editor (assuming Hibernate console is setup).

And you go from there.  For example, I have this native query I'm trying to "reverse engineer" to HQL.  It would be nice to have the above tool:

select er.equipmentRepairId, 
  | 					    e.serialNumber, 
  | 					    ddv.description, 
  | 					    sum(erc.cost) as Cost 
  | 						 from Equipment as e 
  | 						 inner join EquipmentRepair as er on er.equipmentId = e.equipmentId 
  | 						 left outer join EquipmentRepairCost as erc on er.equipmentRepairId = erc.equipmentRepairId 
  | 						 left outer join DropDownValue as ddv on er.equipmentRepairTypeCode = ddv.code 
  | 						 left outer join DropDown as dd on dd.listId = ddv.listId  
  | 						 where e.serialNumber = :serialNumber and  
  | 						 dd.listName = :repairTypeDropDown 
  | 						 group by er.equipmentRepairId, 
  | 						 e.serialNumber, 
  | 						 ddv.description

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