[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: JBoss slowing down

pratimkm do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed May 20 13:03:34 EDT 2009


I tried with the jmap -histo option which gives me the below results while the production server is running on a normal day. It doesn't look like anything consuming a huge memory compared to the allocated 2GB memory. But our server has become slow already. It takes almost 10 minutes to shut down,however starting the  server again is normal. We have found out that after few days if we bring down one of the jboss in cluster and try to start again it cannot join the cluster. or the running one doesn't recognize the one being started.

Size    Count   Class description
16301352        159950  char[]
14233496        15189   int[]
11675784        92177   java.lang.Object[]
11550160        18668   byte[]
11352408        90303   * ConstMethodKlass
6506832 90303   * MethodKlass
5362616 128417  * SymbolKlass
4816200 8454    * ConstantPoolKlass
4815816 200659  java.lang.String
3883456 121358  java.util.TreeMap$Entry
3808368 49192   short[]
3568064 8454    * InstanceKlassKlass
2897120 7281    * ConstantPoolCacheKlass
1658216 17595   java.util.HashMap$Entry[]
1488640 18608   java.lang.reflect.Method
1215312 50638   java.util.HashMap$Entry
1094040 27351   java.util.TreeMap

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