[jboss-user] [JNDI and Naming] - Discovery of JCA ConnectionFactory without resource-ref conf

maffeis do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Nov 14 06:57:00 EST 2009


I have a JBoss 5.1 server with some JCA connectory deployes as RAR files.
Each connector has its -ds.xml file holding the <jndi-name> declaration of the connector.

Now I can load my ConnectionFactories from a web application (Servlet in a WAR), if I put a <resource-ref> declaration into the web.xml file.

Is there a way of making such a JNDI lookup possible from a Servlet, without adding a <resource-ref> declaration to the web.xml file? Meaning, I would like my Servlet to dynamically discover the existence if any deployed RAR connector, without having to declare it in web.xml.

I tried listing the JNDI context but my ConnectionFactory only appears if I declare it in web.xml.

Thanks for your advice!


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