[jboss-user] Server list empty in eclipse, cannot debug!

samk at twinix.com samk at twinix.com
Thu Oct 1 17:12:22 EDT 2009

See Thread at: http://www.techienuggets.com/Detail?tx=72512 Posted on behalf of a User

On the server settings page ( the one you are on before clicking "Open launch configuration") there is a box for Host name.  Change this to "".  You'll see that your launch configuration is updated.

In Response To: 

hello I run ganymede + jboss 5 up to date
I reinstalled a seam project from a damaged disk where there was ganymede and jboss 4.3
I'm stuck in developement since I can add and run jboss from eclipse server's view, but unfortunately I cannot add a new "debug configuration" or "run configuration" to launch my project with since there are no servers selectable in the list. The list is actually empty :(
I need to debug my application in broadcast mode (-b and ther's no way I can set this parameter from within eclipse server view. I badly need back jboss in launch configuration. What do I miss?
I have all the jboss tools things installed but nothing changed apart having tje jboss server view (only lists the ports in use, but sitll empty run config listbox)


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