[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools] - Notes about Tycho on JBoss Tools

Max Andersen do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Apr 1 17:29:48 EDT 2010

Max Andersen [http://community.jboss.org/people/max.andersen%40jboss.com] modified the document:

"Notes about Tycho on JBoss Tools"

To view the document, visit: http://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-15095

h2. History
Devox 2009 - Max made first weird attempt at creating a scala script to generate pom, but bugs in Tycho and cyclic dependencies made it impossible to do "the easy way"

EclipseCon 2010 - Tycho 0.8 came out and we had a hack-a-thon to try break our monolith build.

h2. Status
 https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbosstools/branches/modular_build https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbosstools/branches/modular_build contains the current work.

Has a parent-pom.xml for setting up Tycho and repositories.

Has scala script genpom.scala which currently automagically generates the proper pom.xml's based on our standard jboss tools plugin layot. Eventually these should be materialized and committed but for now it allows for rapid prototyping until we got it all working.

The build requires maven 3.

After doing scala genpom.xml you should (in theory) be able to run mvn install in any level. Right now only plugins/features works consistently  :) 
h2. Tidbits
Tycho uses surefire which picks up unittests which has "Test" somewhere in the name. Causing problems since we got Tests that aren't tests and AllTests which includes subtests.

What Maven group id should we be using ? Right now org.jboss.tools.* is the base.

How do we ensure the version in manifest.mf etc. are in sync with reality ? Some way for us to compare against latest JBDS/JBT 3 to ensure at least in sync ?

vpe.feature seem to be dead - had to remove xulrunner.vpe features. Seem all is in richfaces feature as opposed to be split up.


Comment by going to Community

Create a new document in JBoss Tools at Community
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