[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Message Ordering in JBoss
Mayank Mittal
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Apr 20 11:27:39 EDT 2010
Mayank Mittal [http://community.jboss.org/people/mayankmit2002] replied to the discussion
"Message Ordering in JBoss"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/538542#538542
Hello Tom,
Our applications is some what informing other connected users about the operation performed by any of the user. Lets say any user changes some property of some object, then others should also be notified, so that, all users in the system, remains consitent with the sate of the server.
To achieve this, we uses JMS. Letz say User1 is there and he updated some value of some object letz say Obj1, now each and every user of the system must have the latest vaue. For this, on the commitement of the transaction, we are firing a message on the topic, which is listened by all other clients. once they recieve this message, they tries to fetch the data from the server.
It is also possible that within a single trasaction, multiple messages could be sent, it depends upon the type of operation.
In our test scenario we have 32 clients and each client is performing approximately 12 operations per minute.
*What sessions are you using transacted/notransacted?*
We are using non transacted sessions, as we have seen that transacted sessions causes memory leak.
*How do you ack your messages?*
All messages we are sending have Auto_Acknowledge mode
*Do you use selectors/message priority?*
** No we are not using message priority, as per our knowledge, message priority only works for Queues and not for Topics.
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