[jboss-user] [jBPM] - Error while deploying the JBPM project from eclipse

Maurice de Chateau do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Apr 22 05:10:11 EDT 2010

Maurice de Chateau [http://community.jboss.org/people/MohReece] replied to the discussion

"Error while deploying the JBPM project from eclipse"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/538942#538942

Hi Sameer,

If you're getting an IncompatibleClassChangeError, something is seriously wrong! I never experienced this with jBPM myself so far, and looking up what it could mean turned up the following description:

"+This situation occurs when the current definition  of the referenced class is incompatible with the definition of the class   that was found when the referring class was compiled. For example, say  class+ +A+ +refers to a method  in class+ +B++. Then, after class+ +A+ +is compiled, the method is  removed from class+ +B++. When  class+ +A+ +is loaded, the run-time  system discovers that the method in class+ +B+ +no longer exists and throws an error.+"

To me, this says that there may be two different versions of jBPM in your environment (with at least incompatible versions of the class    org.jbpm.job.ExecuteActionJob).

Could it be that there is a different version of jBPM either referenced from within Eclipse or in the deploy or lib directories of you JBoss AS?


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