[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools] - How to holding Entity Query search values when returning to page
Busssard Buss
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Apr 26 16:51:09 EDT 2010
Busssard Buss [http://community.jboss.org/people/bussard] created the discussion
"How to holding Entity Query search values when returning to page"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/539626#539626
Hello All,
I created a new CRUD project using JBoss Tools. It runs very well. But one thing don't work as I expected: When returning from a xxxEdit the xxxList has its search param cleared and the list returns to the first page.
I looked in many foruns but without a direct response.
So this is what I have:
The xxxList with a rich:dataTable and the action colum
<rich:column styleClass="action">
<f:facet name="header">Ação</f:facet>
<s:link view="/MetasNivelamento/#{empty from ? 'Comarcas' : from}.xhtml"
value="#{empty from ? 'Lançar Dados' : 'Selecionar'}"
propagation="#{empty from ? 'none' : 'default'}"
<f:param name="comarcasId"
The xxxEdit with the follwing returning buttom
<s:button view="/MetasNivelamento/#{empty comarcasFrom ? 'ComarcasList' : comarcasFrom}.xhtml"
And here is my extend to EntityQuery
public class ComarcasList extends EntityQuery<Comarcas> {
private static final String EJBQL = "select comarcas from Comarcas comarcas";
private static final String[] RESTRICTIONS = {
"lower(comarcas.polo) like lower(concat(#{comarcasList.comarcas.polo},'%'))",
"lower(comarcas.regiaoJudiciaria) like lower(concat(#{comarcasList.comarcas.regiaoJudiciaria},'%'))",
"lower(comarcas.entrancia) like lower(concat(#{comarcasList.comarcas.entrancia},'%'))",
"lower(translate(comarcas.comarca,'âàãáÁÂÀÃéêÉÊíÍóôõÓÔÕüúÜÚÇç','AAAAAAAAEEEEIIOOOOOOUUUUCC')) like lower(concat(translate(#{comarcasList.comarcas.comarca},'âàãáÁÂÀÃéêÉÊíÍóôõÓÔÕüúÜÚÇç','AAAAAAAAEEEEIIOOOOOOUUUUCC'),'%'))",
"lower(translate(comarcas.varaComum,'âàãáÁÂÀÃéêÉÊíÍóôõÓÔÕüúÜÚÇç','AAAAAAAAEEEEIIOOOOOOUUUUCC')) like lower(concat('%',translate(#{comarcasList.comarcas.varaComum},'âàãáÁÂÀÃéêÉÊíÍóôõÓÔÕüúÜÚÇç','AAAAAAAAEEEEIIOOOOOOUUUUCC'),'%'))",
"lower(comarcas.competencia) like lower(concat(#{comarcasList.comarcas.competencia},'%'))", };
private Comarcas comarcas = new Comarcas();
public ComarcasList() {
public Comarcas getComarcas() {
return comarcas;
If I use the browser's back buttom (or a equivalent Ajax function ) it work as expected.
Anybody has a solution ?
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