[jboss-user] [jBPM] New message: "Re: Multiple Subprocess - jBPM 3.3.1"

Luca Zammarchi do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Feb 4 05:53:49 EST 2010

User development,

A new message was posted in the thread "Multiple Subprocess - jBPM 3.3.1":


Author  : Luca Zammarchi
Email   : luca.zammarchi at antex.it
Profile : http://community.jboss.org/people/lucazammarchi

I implemented a solution that has the same result:
- I created some "process instances" from one process definition
- then I created an ExecuteNodeJob for each process instance and I sent it to the MessageService.
- In ArrayList I was putting all process instance ids
- With a timer I was checking all process and wait for all processes.
Below the function I use to create the process:
public long createSubProcess(ExecutionContext executionContext,
               String processName,HashMap variabili,boolean signalToken ){
                //Create process instance
          ProcessInstance subProcessInstance = executionContext.getJbpmContext().newProcessInstance(processName);
                //Setting any variable 
                Iterator iterator = variabili.keySet().iterator();
               String key=(String)iterator.next();
               contextInstance.setVariable(key, variabili.get(key));
          Token token=subProcessInstance.getRootToken();
                //Signal the token of the process if needed
                //Create the job
          ExecuteNodeJob job = new ExecuteNodeJob(token);
          Calendar dataCorrente = Calendar.getInstance();
          dataCorrente.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 1);
                //Send the job to the message service
          MessageService messageService = (MessageService)Services.getCurrentService("message");
                //Return the process instance id to the main program
          return subProcessInstance.getId();

I am testing this solution.
Has anyone a better idea?
I think this is a ploy help me to have multiple processes that running asynchronously.
Best regards.
Luca Zammarchi


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