[jboss-user] [jBPM] New message: "Re: jBPM 4.3 - Which JTA config to use for non-JBoss platform."

Martin Porter do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Feb 4 07:28:33 EST 2010

User development,

A new message was posted in the thread "jBPM 4.3 - Which JTA config to use for non-JBoss platform.":


Author  : Martin Porter
Profile : http://community.jboss.org/people/jedizippy

Hi Juan,
I agree the JtaTransaction class should be getting those values from the hibernate config xml file. I may take a shot at implementing a new version of JtaTransaction which implements the Command<T> to try and get those from hibernate but to be honest as this needs to be done for all non JBoss servers the changes should really be made in the trunk code as otherwise everyone using Jta will have to implement this !. As JTA is pretty much bread and butter in a real world production environment I wonder how many people are really running on non-JBoss platforms !.
I have voted for the JIRA anyway.
Thanks for the tip.
I notice you are running on DB2 with 4.3. Did you see any issues with ID generation and integrity constraints as with sub-processes on DB2 as well as Oracle is has been seen in JTA environments. We seem to have solved it by implementing our own generation. Would be interested to know if you are using sub-processes and if you have come across this !.


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