[jboss-user] [JBoss Web Services Development] New message: "Re: Parallel invocations of JaxWS services and getPort"

Andrew Dinn do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Feb 15 04:39:14 EST 2010

User development,

A new message was posted in the thread "Parallel invocations of JaxWS services and getPort":


Author  : Andrew Dinn
Profile : http://community.jboss.org/people/adinn

richard.opalka at jboss.com wrote:>  
> Hi Andrew,
>    this is the problem of *broken by design JAX-WS specification* 
> *Explanation:*
>    One of the problems when reusing proxy concurently is JAX-WS specification allows you to set invocation related properties on the proxy using BindingProvider methods. Consider the following code:
> public void configureSession(EchoService serviceProxy, boolean keepSession)
> {
>    BindingProvider bp = (BindingProvider)serviceProxy;   bp.getRequestContext().put( BindingProvider.SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY, keepSession );
> }
> If you would call above method on one proxy instance in e.g. 2 threads concurrently and each thread will set different keepSession policy, how would you implement this properly for the following scenario?
> thread1.configureSession(proxy, true);
> thread2.configureSession(proxy, false);
> thread1.callService(proxy);
> thread2.callService(proxy);
> assertThereAreSessions(thread1);
> assertThereAreNoSession(thread2);
> Do you see what I mean?

Yes, I understand that is the problme. That was what I was trying tyo explain.
> mailto:richard.opalka at jboss.com wrote:
>  *Suggestion:*
> Create/use service proxy per thread, not reuse it for multiple threads 
Hm, I obviously did nto make myself clear. I am creating a new proxy for each thread. The problem is that they still interfere with each other. My code looks like this
> Service myService = getMyService(name, wsdl)
> final MyPort port1 = myService.getPort(endpointRef, MyPort.class, new AddressingFeature(true));
> final MyPort port2 = myService.getPort(endpointRef, MyPort.class, new AddressingFeature(true));
> configurePort(port1);
> cvonfigurePort(port2);
> Thread thread1 = new Thread() {
>   port1.myMethod()
> }
> Thread thread2 = new Thread() {
>   port2.myMethod()
> }
> thread1.start();
> thread2.start();
So, the problem appears to be happening even when I create a different port for each thread. Occasionally, the data associated with port 1 is overwritten and I end up with two calls on the server side both using the data from port 2. The data in question is set by a JaxWS handler on the calling side and read by a JaxWS handler on the server side. The client adds a header and the server removes it and uses it to set up the current transaction for the thread in a ThreadLocal.
I traced the code using Byteman to bytecode-inject print statements into the client just before the call to the proxy method and into the server as it enters the service method. Wen I run with 10 threads in parallel I occasionally see distinct values on the client side getting replaced with one value on the server side. If I switch on any other trace or inject more printouts the error does not normmally show because the timing of the threads changes.


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