[jboss-user] [JBoss Cache] Document updated/added: "JBossCache2.1.x_And_Beyond_QA"

Manik Surtani do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Feb 22 10:33:41 EST 2010

User development,

The document "JBossCache2.1.x_And_Beyond_QA", was updated Feb 22, 2010
by Manik Surtani.

To view the document, visit:

h2.  QA for JBoss Cache from version 2.1.0 and beyond.
Note that JBoss Cache has now been split into *core* and *pojo* modules, each with independent releases.
h3.  JBoss Cache core
h4.  General notes
* Should be built using Maven 2.0.6 or later
* Should be built using Sun JDK 5, unless otherwise stated.
h4.  Building and testing the code
* Check out the module from subversion: svn co http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbosscache/core/tags/TAG_NAME
* Run a clean build and test suite: mvn clean package
** The tests should run clean.  Any known failures would have their tests disabled before tagging.
* Now switch to Sun JDK 6 and rebuild: mvn clean package
** Again, the tests should run clean.
h4.  Testing the documentation
* The above process should generate documentation in distribution/jbosscache-core-2.X.Y.Z-doc.zip
* Unzip this file and check visually that the documentation has been generated.
** There should be 4 'documents' here: a userguide, FAQ, tutorial and API docs.
h4.  Testing the binary distribution
* The build process should also generate a binary distribution in distribution/jbosscache-core-2.X.Y.Z-bin.zip
* Check that this contains jbosscache-core.jar, READMEs and EULAs as well as dependent jars.
* Check that this contains etc and licenses directories containing cache configurations and third-party jar licenses respectively.
h4.  Testing the all distribution
* The build process should also generate an 'all' distribution in distribution/jbosscache-core-2.X.Y.Z-all.zip
* Check that this contains jbosscache-core.jar, READMEs and EULAs as well as dependent jars.
* Check that this contains etc and licenses directories containing cache configurations and third-party jar licenses respectively.
* Check that this contains src and test directories
* Run the tests using JDK 5
** ant clean run.tests
** Should see the same results witnessed when building the distribution.
* Run the tests using JDK 6
** ant clean run.tests
** Should see the same results witnessed when building the distribution.
* Run the tests using JDK1.4
** ant clean run.tests
** Should see an error message stating that JDK 5 and above is needed.
* Run through the steps outlined in the tutorial (doc/tutorial_en/html_single/index.html) and ensure output is as expected in the tutorial.
h4.   Testing integration with JBoss AS
* The JIRA issue in the QA project will identify any AS release(s) (or branch(es), if the release is meant to be integrated into an unreleased AS version) with which the release must be compatible. If no such release is listed, AS integration testing is not required.
* Compare the dependencies listed in the JBoss Cache pom.xml with those listed in the AS's build/build-thirdparty.xml file. If there are any inconsistencies, the releases are incompatible, disqualifying the release. (NOTE: for JBC 2.2.0 and later, a more sophisticated mechanism to identify versioning inconsistencies will be developed.)
* Check out and build the indicated AS release.
* Replace the /build/output/jboss-xxx/server/all/lib/jbosscache.jar with the jar from the new JBC release.
* Execute the tests-clustering-all-stacks target in the AS testsuite
* Check for regressions vs. the JBC release previously included with the release.
h4.  Deploy the build
* Release binary ZIPs to Sourceforge.net and inform Manik Surtani when this has been done.
** Release notes are in JIRA under the project version number, no release note is provided in the distribution.  Link to http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBCACHE in Sourceforge when entering release notes.
* Release to the JBoss AS repository on repository.jboss.org
* Release to Maven2 repository
** Use JDK 5
** Ensure you have https://svn.jboss.org/repos/repository.jboss.org/maven2 checked out somewhere.  Even if not all subdirs are present, at least org/jboss/cache should be there.
** Ensure that you have the following in your ~/.m2/settings.xml








** And then run mvn -Dmaven.test.skip.exec=true deploy (do not use -Dmaven.test.skip=true since it will skip building test jars)

** Use svn add to add any new files and directories created in your maven2/org/jboss/cache/ checkout
** Use svn commit to commit maven2/org/jboss/cache/
** Verify that this has been deployed to the maven2 repo (after about 5 mins) by browsing to http://repository.jboss.org/maven2/org/jboss/cache
h3. Update Downloads and Documentation Page
* Check out or update the JBoss Cache Labs CMS documentation directory from SVN
** svn co https://cms.labs.jboss.com/prod/forge/portal-content/default/members/jbosscache/freezone/docs/
* Put the new docs in there (follow an existing version as an example, e.g., 2.2.0.GA)
* Add and commit the new docs into SVN
** E.g., svn add 2.2.1.GA && svn commit 2.2.1.GA -m "2.2.1.GA docs"
* Update the Documentation wiki to point to the new docs
** http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-12843
** Test links on Documentation wiki
* Update the Downloads wiki with the download link on SourceForge
** http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-12844
** Test links on Download wiki
** Remove old links if not needed.
*** E.g., when releasing 2.2.1.GA, you can remove 2.2.0.GA as the "stable" link, as well as 2.2.1.CR2 as the "unstable" link.
* Update the public www.jbosscache.org website with details.
** The "current stable" and "current unstable" sections should reflect the new version numbers.
** This is in SVN as well:
*** https://cms.labs.jboss.com/prod/forge/portal-content/default/members/jbosscache/freezone/index.html
h1.  POJO Cache
h4.  General notes
* Should be built using Maven 2.0.6 or later
* Should be built using Sun JDK 5, unless otherwise stated.
* Depends on core cache being released first
h4.  Building and testing the code
* Check out the module from subversion: svn co http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbosscache/pojo/tags/TAG_NAME
* Run a clean build and test suite: mvn clean package
** The tests should run clean.  Any known failures would have their tests disabled before tagging.
* Now switch to Sun JDK 6 and rebuild: mvn clean package
** Again, the tests should run clean.
h4.  Testing the documentation
* The above process should generate documentation in distribution/jbosscache-pojo-2.X.Y.Z-doc.zip
* Unzip this file and check visually that the documentation has been generated.
** There should be 4 'documents' here: a userguide, FAQ, tutorial and API docs.
h4.  Testing the binary distribution
* The build process should also generate a binary distribution in distribution/jbosscache-pojo-2.X.Y.Z-bin.zip
* Check that this contains jbosscache-pojo.jar, READMEs and EULAs as well as dependent jars.
* Check that this contains etc and licenses directories containing cache configurations and third-party jar licenses respectively.
h4.  Testing the all distribution
* The build process should also generate an 'all' distribution in distribution/jbosscache-pojo-2.X.Y.Z-all.zip
* Check that this contains jbosscache-pojo.jar, READMEs and EULAs as well as dependent jars.
* Check that this contains etc and licenses directories containing cache configurations and third-party jar licenses respectively.
* Check that this contains src and test directories
* Run the tests using JDK 5
** ant clean run.tests
** Should see the same results witnessed when building the distribution.
* Run the tests using JDK 6
** ant clean run.tests
** Should see the same results witnessed when building the distribution.
* Run the tests using JDK1.4
** ant clean run.tests
** Should see an error message stating that JDK 5 and above is needed.
* Run through the steps outlined in the tutorial (doc/tutorial_en/html_single/index.html) and ensure output is as expected in the tutorial.
h4.  Deploy the build
* Release binary ZIPs to Sourceforge.net and inform Jason Greene when this has been done.
** Release notes are in JIRA under the project version number, no release note is provided in the distribution.  Link to http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/PCACHE in Sourceforge when entering release notes.
* Release to Maven2 repository
** Use JDK 5
** Ensure you have https://svn.jboss.org/repos/repository.jboss.org/maven2 checked out somewhere.  Even if not all subdirs are present, at least org/jboss/cache should be there.
** Ensure that you have the following in your ~/.m2/settings.xml








** And then run mvn -Dmaven.test.skip.exec=true deploy
** Use svn add to add any new files and directories created in your maven2/org/jboss/cache/ checkout
** Use svn commit to commit maven2/org/jboss/cache/
** Verify that this has been deployed to the maven2 repo (after about 5 mins) by browsing to http://repository.jboss.org/maven2/org/jboss/cache

h3. Update Downloads and Documentation Page
* Check out or update the JBoss Cache Labs CMS documentation directory from SVN
** svn co https://cms.labs.jboss.com/prod/forge/portal-content/default/members/jbosscache/freezone/docs/
* Put the new docs in there (follow an existing version as an example, e.g., 2.2.0.GA)
* Add and commit the new docs into SVN
** E.g., svn add 2.2.1.GA && svn commit 2.2.1.GA -m "2.2.1.GA docs"
* Update the Documentation wiki to point to the new docs
** http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-12843
** Test links on Documentation wiki
* Update the Downloads wiki with the download link on SourceForge
** http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-12844
** Test links on Download wiki
** Remove old links if not needed.
*** E.g., when releasing 2.2.1.GA, you can remove 2.2.0.GA as the "stable" link, as well as 2.2.1.CR2 as the "unstable" link.
* Update the public www.jbosscache.org website with details.
** The "current stable" and "current unstable" sections should reflect the new version numbers.
** This is in SVN as well:
*** https://cms.labs.jboss.com/prod/forge/portal-content/default/members/jbosscache/freezone/index.html


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