[jboss-user] [jBPM] New message: "Re: Violation of unique constraint with two splits (JBPM-255"

null null do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Mar 2 10:11:39 EST 2010

User development,

A new message was posted in the thread "Violation of unique constraint with two splits (JBPM-2553)":


Author  : null null
Profile : http://community.jboss.org/people/ustone

Is this issue confirmed as a bug?
I got this message with followig definition:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<process key="LOOP" name="Loop" xmlns="http://jbpm.org/4.0/jpdl">
    <start g="216,13,48,48" name="startNode">
        <transition g="-45,-18" name="to decreaseCounter" to="decreaseCounter"/>
    <end g="303,630,48,48" name="endNode"/>

    <java class="de.lbbw.jbpmtest.TestActivity" g="52,277,92,52" method="sayHello" name="sayHello">
            <object expr="#{request}"/>
        <transition g="-61,-18" name="to joinHello" to="joinHello"/>
    <java class="de.lbbw.jbpmtest.TestActivity" g="201,87,92,52" method="decreaseCounter" name="decreaseCounter" var="request">
            <object expr="#{request}"/>
      <transition g="-43,-18" name="to forkHello" to="forkHello"/>
    <decision g="403,290,48,48" name="repeatAgain">
        <handler class="de.lbbw.jbpmtest.RepeatAgainHandler" />

        <transition g="-37,-18" name="AGAIN" to="decreaseCounter"/>
        <transition g="-58,-18" name="NOTAGAIN" to="joinHello"/>

   <fork g="237,198,48,48" name="forkHello">
        <transition g="-45,-18" name="to sayHello" to="sayHello"/>
      <transition g="-77,-18" name="to repeatAgain" to="repeatAgain"/>
   <join g="294,473,48,48" multiplicity="3" name="joinHello">
      <transition g="-61,-18" name="to endNode" to="endNode"/>


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