[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools] New message: "Re: JBoss AS WTP server adapter removes deployment module"

Denis Golovin do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Mar 9 20:08:13 EST 2010

User development,

A new message was posted in the thread "JBoss AS WTP server adapter removes deployment module":


Author  : Denis Golovin
Profile : http://community.jboss.org/people/dgolovin

I have fixed this issue or part of it locally. Problem was in EAR, EJB and WAR modules "publish state". For some reason when EAR gets "full publish event"  and changes state to "full publish" from WTP EJB or WAR modules might be in "incremental publish" state. That forces JstPublisher nuke everything in ear-deploy folder and publish all ear content again. Ear content is resources and modules. Resources seems to be published correctly because they have the same publish state as ear but EJB and WAR could be in "Incremental publish" state and that mean only last changes are deployed.
 The fix for this is simple: 
 JstPublisher class should not just blindly call full or incremental  publish depending on module publish state but verify if deployment  folder exists. If it is then do incremental publish if is not do full  publish.
Index: jbosscore/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/as/core/publishers/JstPublisher.java
--- jbosscore/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/as/core/publishers/JstPublisher.java     (revision 20695)
+++ jbosscore/org/jboss/ide/eclipse/as/core/publishers/JstPublisher.java     (working copy)
@@ -92,7 +92,11 @@
                     if (publishType == FULL_PUBLISH ) {
                          status = fullPublish(module, module[module.length-1], monitor);     
                     } else if (publishType == INCREMENTAL_PUBLISH) {
-                         status = incrementalPublish(module, module[module.length-1], monitor);
+                         if(getDeployPath(module, this.server).toFile().isDirectory()) {
+                              status = incrementalPublish(module, module[module.length-1], monitor);
+                         } else {
+                              status = fullPublish(module, module[module.length-1], monitor);
+                         }


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