[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0 Development] Document updated/added: "Requirements: EJB Proxies"

David Lloyd do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Mar 15 15:07:37 EDT 2010

User development,

The document "Requirements: EJB Proxies", was updated Mar 15, 2010
by David Lloyd.

To view the document, visit:

This is a requirements document for EJB proxies.  *Please direct questions and comments to this thread:* http://community.jboss.org/thread/149477
Please do *not* remove any sections.  If a requirement is to be removed, please strike it out so that the numbering remains consistent.













h1. EJB Proxies
h2. Remote Proxies
h3. Invocation
h4. Proxy Invocation Handler
The invocation handler of an EJB proxy shall convert the invocation details into an +Invocation+ object which contains the details of this invocation. The invocation will then be passed to an +Invocation Processor+ to be handled.
h4. Invocation Processor
A mechanism shall be provided by which each Invocation may be preprocessed in one or more steps before it is +dispatched+ to its final target.  Such processors should have the opportunity to attach additional information to the Invocation, or modify such attachments.  Processors should also have the opportunity to "short-circuit" an invocation and reply directly, either with a successful return or an exception of some sort.
h4. Invocation Dispatcher
The Invocation Dispatcher represents the path to the target of the Invocation and shall have the ability to execute an Invocation.  For Remote proxies this typically will entail transmitting the Invocation across the network in some form, to be received and forwarded to another Invocation Dispatcher to be executed directly, or passed through another set of Invocation Processors which may or may not correspond to the sending side's Processor set before handing it to a Dispatcher to be executed.
Since the Invocation Disptacher is solely responsible for the execution of the method, it can and should impose whatever policy is appropriate for the management of any target objects which may exist (such as a registration policy, or instance pooling, or session management).  The Dispatcher need not correspond to one single target object instance, though that may be the common usage outside of EJB.
h4. Invocation Target
The +target+ of an Invocation is an object upon which the Invocation is ultimately intended to be executed.  Since there is not always a one-to-one correspondance between a remote proxy and a target instance, the task of passing an invocation to a target is always fulfilled by an +Invocation Dispatcher+.
h3. Proxy Serialization and Deserialization

When a proxy is deserialized, it is expected that the deserialized Proxy will be functional regardless of where and when the proxy is deserializaed.  There shall be constraints on the functionality of deserialized proxies, as follows.
h4. Proxy Deserialization Constraints
h5. Remote Invocation Context
In order for a proxy to be functional after deserialization, it shall be required that the user provide, directly or indirectly, a +Remote Invocation Context+ which is necessary to fully reconstitute a working remote proxy.  Proxy instances which are deserialized without the presense of such a context will not be usable and will cause an exception to be thrown upon invocation.
h4. Proxy Serialization Constraints
h5. Remote Invocation Context
A proxy must be serialized in the presence of a Remote Invocation Context.  Attempting to serialize a proxy without such a context will cause an object validation exception.
h3. High Availability and Clustering


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