[jboss-user] [JBoss Web Services] - WebService deployment failed

忠雨 胡 do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Dec 5 03:03:39 EST 2011

忠雨 胡 [http://community.jboss.org/people/he_man888] created the document:

"WebService deployment failed"

To view the document, visit: http://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-17396

Hi everyone:

     I  try to deploy a simple webservice on JBoss AS 7.0.2.Final "Arc", but  always failed.
     The console show nothing about webservice's detect and deployment,however, the serivice indeed is a webservice implementation.
     This has puzzled me for a few days.
     Any suggestion will be appreciated.

     below are the source codes:
package com.wasu.as.sp.service.core;
import javax.ejb.Stateless;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBinding;
            targetNamespace = " http://core.service.sp.as.wasu.com/ http://core.service.sp.as.wasu.com",
            serviceName = "TestService")
@SOAPBinding(parameterStyle = SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.BARE)  
public class TestService implements ITestServiceLocal, ITestServiceRemote {
public int add(int i, int j) {
  return i+j;
public int dec(int i, int j) {
  return i - j;

for detail, pls refer to the TestService.zip and the logs.

Many thanks.

Comment by going to Community

Create a new document in JBoss Web Services at Community
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