[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools] - Re: Some Experiences with JBoss Tools, Eclipse Helios and M2E
Thomas Kriechbaum
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Feb 2 03:02:05 EST 2011
Thomas Kriechbaum [http://community.jboss.org/people/Thomas.Kriechbaum] created the discussion
"Re: Some Experiences with JBoss Tools, Eclipse Helios and M2E"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/584828#584828
now I have setup a new Eclipse 3.6.1 installation with JBoss Tools 3.2.0.CR1 and the newest M2Eclipse plugins (org.maven.ide.eclipse.feature, org.maven.ide.eclipse.wtp.feature, org.maven.ide.eclipse.temporary.mojos.feature
*context root of the web-module*
The context root is now resolved as defined in the EARs pom.xml ++
*republish after changes*
With the default settings republishing of JEE modules still does not work. I found out, that within the Servers view only a "Full Publish" effects a redeployment of the changed modules. An "Incremential Publish" behaves the same as the "behind-the-scene" redeployment after a source code change.
Do I have to change some Eclipse settings in this case?
*module name is part of global JNDI name*
I still have not found a way to influence the application name that is part of the EJB's JNDI name. Within the IDE the JNDI name still starts with ticket-ear (without version information), but a build on the command line would change this JNDI name to ticket-ear-1.0.0 (with version information).
I know, that I could change the EARs final name, but versioning is a "must-have" in our production environment.
Do you have any ideas?
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