[jboss-user] [jBPM] - jBPM4.4 and jbpm-console: obtaining user
Paweł Gutowski
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Jan 11 10:58:23 EST 2011
Paweł Gutowski [http://community.jboss.org/people/pawel.gutowski] created the discussion
"jBPM4.4 and jbpm-console: obtaining user"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/580070#580070
I would like to display in the task form the information who has started the recent process instance.
Moreover I'd like to run this porcess on jbpm-console...
My idea was to make an EventListner which was supposed to set the process variable with the user id.
My process jPDL looks like this:
<process name="myprocess" xmlns="http://jbpm.org/4.4/jpdl">
<on event="start">
<event-listener class="org.gutek.helpers.InitProcessDataListener"/>
<start g="126,22,48,48" name="start1">
<transition to="business creation"/>
<task candidate-users="user_a,user_b" form="org/gutek/view1.ftl" g="83,96,132,52" name="business creation">
<transition to="end1"/>
<end g="127,291,48,48" name="end1"/>
The task form:
Process created by:
And the listener (org.gutek.helpers.InitProcessDataListener):
public class InitProcessDataListener implements EventListener {
@Override public void notify(EventListenerExecution execution) throws Exception {
execution.setVariable("business_created_by", "User-X");
My questions:
1. How to find the real user creating the process, not "User-X" as above?
2. Is it possible to find not only the process creator, but also who made the last change in the process?
Jbpm-console is nice for prototyping and modelling simple processes.
But I suppose that case shown above is too "complex" for running in the jbpm-console, so question 3:
3. Could somebody describe in a few sentences where is the border of process complexity for running in the jbpm-console?
jbpm-console: 2.1
JBoss v.5.1.0.GA
Best regards,
Pawel Gutowski
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