[jboss-user] [EJB3] - @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn - exception
Hubert Lyczek
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sun Jan 16 07:52:22 EST 2011
Hubert Lyczek [http://community.jboss.org/people/lysy78] created the discussion
"@PrimaryKeyJoinColumn - exception"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/581026#581026
I've dicided to try one-to-one relation using @PrimaryKeyJoinColumn. But i cannot force it to work.
- AS: jboss-6.0.0.Final
- java version "1.6.0_23"
Problem description:
I have two entities: Customer, Address. Relation between Customer and address is bidirectional one-to-one. The relation uses primary keys.
You can see created entity beans below:
public class Customer implements Serializable{
@Column(name="CUSTOMER_ID", nullable=false)
private Integer customerId;
@OneToOne(fetch=FetchType.EAGER, cascade=CascadeType.ALL, optional=true)
private Address address;
public class
Address implements Serializable{
@Column(name="ADDRESS_ID", nullable=false)
@GeneratedValue(generator="foreignGenerator") @GenericGenerator(
name="foreignGenerator", strategy="foreign",
parameters={@Parameter(name="property", value="customer"
)}) private Integer addressId;
@OneToOne(mappedBy="address", fetch=FetchType.LAZY, optional=false)
private Customer customer;
As you see i'm using @GeneratedValue and @GenericGenerator to be sure that address_id will be the same as customer_id.
Unfortunately that doesn't work.
I tried to run code (from remote client):
Customer customer = new Customer();
... //set customer fields
Address address = new Address();
... //set addres fields
databaseManager.createCustomer(customer); //persist
This is implementation of method createCustomer.
public void
Unfortunately when i try to persist customer with address i get this exception:
Exception in thread "main" javax.ejb.EJBTransactionRolledbackException:
org.hibernate.id.IdentifierGenerationException: null id generated for:class hl.test.relations.entity.Address
at org.jboss.ejb3.tx2.impl.CMTTxInterceptor.handleInCallerTx(
I thought that i would get the same id for Address as for Customer. But i got exeption and i don't know why.
Could you guys help me find out where is the reason of the exception and how to fix my code?
Thank you in advance
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