[jboss-user] [Beginner's Corner] - Re: JBoss as 6.0.0 final - Error when deploying war
Ales Justin
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Jan 21 00:55:53 EST 2011
Ales Justin [http://community.jboss.org/people/alesj] created the discussion
"Re: JBoss as 6.0.0 final - Error when deploying war"
To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/582256#582256
Adding this deployer does the trick for me:
* Filter on Javassist' MethodHandler and ProxyObject.
* @author <a href="mailto: mailto:ales.justin at jboss.org ales.justin at jboss.org">Ales Justin</a>
public class ExcludeAppJavassistDeployer extends WeldAwareMetadataDeployer<ClassLoadingMetaData>
private String PO = ClassLoaderUtils.classNameToPath(ProxyObject.class);
private String MH = ClassLoaderUtils.classNameToPath(MethodHandler.class);
private ClassFilter excludeFilter;
public ExcludeAppJavassistDeployer()
super(ClassLoadingMetaData.class, true);
excludeFilter = new ClassFilter()
public boolean matchesClassName(String className)
return (ProxyObject.class.getName().equals(className) || MethodHandler.class.getName().equals(className));
public boolean matchesResourcePath(String resourcePath)
return (PO.equals(resourcePath) || MH.equals(resourcePath));
public boolean matchesPackageName(String packageName)
return false;
protected void internalDeploy(VFSDeploymentUnit unit, ClassLoadingMetaData deployment, Collection<VirtualFile> wbXml) throws DeploymentException
String excludedPackages = deployment.getExcludedPackages();
if (excludedPackages != null)
return; // we have explicit set of package excludes
ClassFilter excluded = deployment.getExcluded();
if (excluded == null)
deployment.setExcluded(new CombiningClassFilter(false, new ClassFilter[]{excluded, excludeFilter}));
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