[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools] - How to use the Python ant-to-Eclipse example converter scripts

Administrator Administrator do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Jan 24 09:31:22 EST 2011

Administrator Administrator [http://community.jboss.org/people/admin] modified the document:

"How to use the Python ant-to-Eclipse example converter scripts"

To view the document, visit: http://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-16175

h2. Overview
Though it still doesn't have a great name, I've put together a set  of Python scripts that will take an ANTified runtime example, such as  one of the ESB examples, and convert it into an import-ready Eclipse  project.

Why do we need this you may ask? Well, we have a subset of examples  in the Project Examples functionality provided with JBoss Tools and  JBoss Developer Studio. But it's just a subset. There are many more  example projects provided with runtimes such as EAP and SOA-P that  aren't there. Rather than have the same example represented in two  different places, which has potential issues with keeping them in sync,  we can simply take the original runtime example and transform it  (one-way only) into a form that Eclipse recognizes.

The scripts aren't perfect. But it's a start.

h2. Where to find them...
For now, I've put the script into a workspace directory in the JBoss Tools SVN repository:

 http://https://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbosstools/workspace/bfitzpat/org.jboss.tools.py.project.converter https://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbosstools/workspace/bfitzpat/org.jboss.tools.py.project.converter

The project was created using the PyDev plug-ins for Eclipse, so if  you have that installed you can load them into Eclipse. But you can  also run them from the command line like any other Python script.

Once you've checked out the project, drill into it and find the src directory. There you'll find all the scripts.

You will need to customize *constants.py* file to match your  environment and the *Main.py* file to point to the examples you want to  convert, but once you've done that just type the following at the  command line:

>python Main.py

You will see something like the following if the script is correctly configured for your runtime:
 http://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/102-16175-1-10681/converter_py_terminal.jpg  http://community.jboss.org/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/102-16175-1-10681/450-256/converter_py_terminal.jpg 
h2. How to Customize the scripts...
To make the script work, you'll need to have a server runtime  instance in the Servers view already created. The converted project  requires the name of that server for various settings in project  configuration files.

In the *constants.py* file, you'll find one constant you'll need to  change - runtimeTargetServerName. Change the quoted name to the name of  your server and save the file.

    runtimeTargetServerName = 'My Server'

Now to tell the script which examples to convert, you can update the *Main.py* file. I've set up a "localruntime" variable for the path of the examples  directory in your runtime. And then all you have to do is add the  directory names for the examples to convert.

So if your local runtime samples directory is at  /usr/home/runtime/samples and you want to convert "MyExample", the code  would look something like this:

     # change this list to be appropriate to your own runtime directory and
     # list of projects to convert 
     localruntime = '/usr/home/runtime/samples'

You can add as many examples as you want. But be aware that it  creates a parallel example in the same directory for each Eclipse  project. So "MyExample" becomes "MyExample_eclipse" in the same samples  directory. And it will delete the new example project directory if it  already exists, so make sure you back it up first if you want to keep  it.

h2. Additional Customizations...
I have tested the script on several ESB examples that are shipped  with the SOA-P runtime. The list includes: deadletter,  helloworld_file_action, helloworld_file_notifier, and  helloworld_ftp_action (among with a few others). These are basic  examples that don't include additional runtimes such as Drools. So there  is still work to be done here.

If you look into the *file_handler.py* script, you can see multiple  methods for dealing with the creation or copying of specific files. The  *dir_handler.py* script handles various directories. And methods in both  are called by *converter.py*, which is the main class used to convert the  projects.

You can add your own files and directories and customizations (for  Drools or other requirements) as necessary. And we will eventually build  out these scripts to handle as many of the available runtime examples  as possible.
h2. Once the conversion is done...
Once the *Main.py* script is run and your examples are converted, you can import them in Eclipse using the File->Import->Existing Projects into Workspace menu.

h2. Finally...
The goal of these scripts is not to be an ultimate solution, but to provide a more automated way of bringing existing runtime examples into the Eclipse tooling. Hopefully they will mature over time, but in the meantime provide some basic functionality to help out users both new and old start to explore more JBoss functionality via the tooling.

Comment by going to Community

Create a new document in JBoss Tools at Community
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