[jboss-user] [JBoss Tools] - Create GWT Projects with JBoss Tools and Eclipse WTP
Andre Dietisheim
do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Jan 25 03:19:22 EST 2011
Andre Dietisheim [http://community.jboss.org/people/adietish] commented on the document
"Create GWT Projects with JBoss Tools and Eclipse WTP"
To view all comments on this document, visit: http://community.jboss.org/docs/DOC-15794#comment-5284
Hi Steve
yes, sure, thanks for giving us the hint. I'll update this site.
We are currently releasing 3.2.0.CR1. It's not available yet, but you may find the latest nightlies at:
http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/nightly/trunk/ http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/nightly/trunk/
You may find an overview of the all available builds (stable, development, nightlies) on the following page:
http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/stable/ http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/stable/
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