[jboss-user] [jBPM] - Finding a task id during task assignment

Ayusman Dikshit do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Jul 20 10:35:54 EDT 2011

Ayusman Dikshit [http://community.jboss.org/people/ayusman_dikshit] created the discussion

"Finding a task id during task assignment"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/616439#616439

is it possible to find the task id that got created when a task is assigned to an user?

in my case, the task gets assigned to an user which is found using a task assignment handler.
However I also need the task id to be stored in an external table, so that another application can invoke the
completion of the specifc task just by doing a 


Since the task ID that was created as a part of the TASK activity in my JPDL is going to assign tha task automatically, is it possible to have some kind of event-handler/code to achieve this?

I have tried event-handler... but does not seem to work...

   <task name="assignTask" assignee="testUser1" g="200,153,92,52">
           <on event="start">
          <event-listener class="test.TestDemo3">
            <field name="msg"><string value="start on activity wait"/></field>

      <transition name="to java1" to="to_perform_math_op" g="-18,-23"/>

Please help!!

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